Yes. Based on ranges online. Nothing was out of line. Really. Just hemoglobin… I just never kept the stuff since pretty much over the years it was same ol same ol…nothing really notable… I really dont believe the trt had much to do with ddd…im a life long gym rat & construction guy…it was just wear & tear imo… My mom has ddd and back issues so likely genetics didn’t help
Your body creates and craves T naturally. Every man would have DDD if that’s true. Crock of shit he’s spewing.
If your on anastrazole that could be it. It’s known to eat away at bones when taken at large doses very quick.
This guy … he just said it… I agree
Ok but .25 adex twice a week is a shitload that would crash majority of guys like flight 370. Just be careful not to take the whole E2/hormone issue too non chalantly. Sometimes just because the numbers are in range doesnt mean all is good.
And he is on large doses.
There you go. That’s why they are stopping this shit.
I would consider it an investment and not let that be a barrier to you. Since it seems you may have bone density problems. May be a problem you can work on
I never considered it a high amount. Lots of weeks I skip the anastrozle & hcg tbh. Even on cycles I don’t get bad estrogen sides. If anything mild bacne & bloating but generally that’s with doses 500 & up
My most common trt side is ache balls…but HCG fix’s that.
But yes I see what you guys are saying. I’ll dig into next labs harder. For me it’s just been the same routine every week for 8 yrs. Autopilot like my Netflix