Edited to add ranges in results below:
I’ve been feeling like crap for awhile, lethargic, no sex drive, no spontaneous wood (not even morning wood), and I’ve packed on about 45 pounds since November (practically all in my stomach area). I’m 38, 5’10", 260lbs.
I’m bipolar and take Abilify 20mg, Lorazepam 2mg, and Cymbalta 60mg. I know what depression feels like, and that isn’t exactly what I’m feeling. For blood pressure and cholesterol I take Caduet 10/20 and Lisinopril 20mg. Up until the end of October I was working outdoors installing cable. I lost about 40 pounds in 4 months during the summer months. I quit working in November to start remodeling my home to sell it and that is when the weight packed on. I haven’t worked out consistently in over a year, but will be starting back next week.
I just moved and had to find a new Internal Med. doctor for my blood pressure/cholesterol issues. I told her how I was feeling and she agreed to lab work. The results were as follow:
Testosterone, Total LCMS-MS 139.4ng/dL 350-1030
Testosterone, Free (Direct) 3.8pg/mL 8.7-25.1
Cholesterol 168mg/dL 50-200
Triglycerides 69mg/dL 30-250
HDL 58mg/dL 40-60
LDL Calculation 96mg/dL
Chol/HDL ratio 2.9
Sodium 143 137-148
Potassium 4.6 3.5-5.1
Chloride 106 98-112
CO2 29 20-32
Glucose 94 70-100
Anion GAP 8 5-14
BUN 18 6-20
Creatinine,blood 0.8 .9-1.2
Calcium 9.9 8.5-10.6
Albumin 5.0 3.4-4.8
Total Protein 7.6 6.4-8.3
ALK PHOSPHA 79 25-100
Bili total 0.7 .3-1.2
AST (SGOT) 36 8-33
ALT (SGPT) 60 10-50
Globulin 2.6 1.6-4.9
A/G 1.9 .7-3.0
Bun/creat 22
The doctor gave me some samples of TESTIM 1% 50mg testosterone per tube. She’s supposed to be calling in a prescription, and didn’t even tell me whether I’m to use one tube or two per day. (I didn’t get to talk to her when I picked up the samples). She wants me to use the TESTIM for two months and then have everything checked again.
I’ve asked for a referral to a endocrinologist, and I’ve checked out 5 books from the library on T and T replacement. I have no science background so I’m struggling to grasp a lot of this stuff.
I read the stickies and know what tests I need to have my endocrinologist run. My questions are these: Should I even start on the TESTIM before I go to the endo, or should I just hold out. How do I convince to endo to prescribe shots. If I’m able to get shots, how often/how much/ect and what else do I need to request from him? Thanks for any help.