[quote]nephorm wrote:
rainjack wrote:
I think it is just a tad myopic of folks to say that the alternatives are plenty just because they have access to them.
Don’t you see? It’s your own fault, rainjack! You should’ve predicted this gas hike years ago when you bought your house, and you should’ve moved someplace closer to civilization.
[quote]TOTrev wrote:
I totall agree, this is absolute BS.
How the hell can you justify a price increase of 25 cents per litre in one night. I had to look 4 times as I drove past the station today on my way to work. I thought it was a mistake. It’s fuckin unreal.
If I told my customers that their products were going up 25% in one night, they’d fucking shit. I see all kinds of emails going around saying don’t buy gas at all on Sept. 1 and it’ll result in a huge loss for oil comps. I don’t buy it.
Do we really have any recourse?
Not buying gas on one day and buying it the next won’t do anything. If EVERYONE made and effort to not drive at all on the weekends it might have an impact.
I have a hard time seeing the whole supply and demand issue here. For a lack of supply to be fueling the increase that means that somewhere in the US there are gas pump sitting empty. I sure don’t see that around here. The price is going up for one reason, it can… They could make it $15 a gallon and I still need to buy it if I want to work. Imagine if the electric company started rasising rates because of a “shortage”, you still have to use electric… Next thing you know all the other companies do it. Are they directly working together to raise prices? Maybe not, do they play follow the leader?? I think so. There is so much demand that regardless of how high the price goes they still sell it.
As soon as one station raises the price you can see the next one down the street doing the same thing. I thought we had laws against that??
[quote]nephorm wrote:
rainjack wrote:
I think it is just a tad myopic of folks to say that the alternatives are plenty just because they have access to them.
Don’t you see? It’s your own fault, rainjack! You should’ve predicted this gas hike years ago when you bought your house, and you should’ve moved someplace closer to civilization.
I mean, gawd.
Here is PA most of our Gas tax goes to fund public transportation in the big cities… So if we all started riding the bus who is going to fund them??? Next thing will be a $50 bus ticket for the day.
Here is PA most of our Gas tax goes to fund public transportation in the big cities… So if we all started riding the bus who is going to fund them??? Next thing will be a $50 bus ticket for the day.
Here is PA most of our Gas tax goes to fund public transportation in the big cities… So if we all started riding the bus who is going to fund them??? Next thing will be a $50 bus ticket for the day.
All our money goes to Philadelphia, as usual.[/quote]
It has to, how else are they paying for all the votes…