Done first cycle without PCT

Hi everyone, so I’m 23 yo, last year I did cycle from March to July 2024 consisting of test prop (150 mg every third day), masteron (100mg every third day), anavar and winstrol (both 30mg per day, oral). I was reckless last year and addicted to drugs so I didn’t really workout and because of withdrawals, I abruptly stopped my cycle and didn’t do neither pct nor hcg. Right now I am training naturally to recover numbers to baseline, I should note that I didn’t workout from July to December 2024, right now I am working out intensely 1 month. I had lab test before cycle and in beginning of January 2025.

I consulted the doctor he told me that I’m recovering pretty well and that I’ll restore naturally without pct or hcg. However, I want to responsibly run second cycle in mid-late April consisting of boldenone, testosterone, masteron, possibly HGH and of course hcg during cycle and proper pct after cycle. Am I good if I do not do hcg or pct now, considering my natural recovery and do both hcg during second cycle and pct after second cycle? Please, do not tell me not to run cycle or etc, I just want to hear about how to do it with maximum responsibility. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I ran my lab results through chatgpt, here are the numbers below

Current Hormonal Status

  1. Testosterone

• Pre-cycle: 5.68 ng/mL (~568 ng/dL)

• Post-cycle: 445.6 ng/dL

• Interpretation: Your testosterone is improving (morning wood is a good sign), but it’s not back to pre-cycle levels yet. Training, a healthy diet, and consistent recovery should help further improvements.

  1. LH (Luteinizing Hormone)

• Pre-cycle: 4.79 mIU/mL

• Post-cycle: 2.75 mIU/mL

• Interpretation: LH drives testosterone production. Although it’s lower than baseline, it’s not suppressed to severe levels, which supports your doctor’s optimism about natural recovery.

  1. FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone)

• Pre-cycle: 2.37 mIU/mL

• Post-cycle: 1.99 mIU/mL

• Interpretation: FSH affects sperm production more than testosterone. The small drop isn’t alarming, but further monitoring is advised.

  1. TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)

• Pre-cycle: 3.12 μIU/mL

• Post-cycle: 3.474 μIU/mL

• Interpretation: TSH is slightly elevated, which might indicate mild stress on the thyroid post-cycle. It’s not a significant concern unless accompanied by symptoms of hypothyroidism (e.g., fatigue, weight gain).

  1. Prolactin

• Current: 12.03 ng/mL

• Interpretation: This is within the normal range, suggesting no significant prolactin-related issues (e.g., hyperprolactinemia).

  1. Estradiol

• Current: 26.7 pg/mL

• Interpretation: Normal levels, meaning estrogen is under control, reducing the likelihood of hormonal imbalance symptoms.

Factors Supporting Recovery

  1. Morning Wood: A strong indicator of recovering testosterone levels and improved androgen receptor sensitivity.

  2. Strength Training: Boosts natural testosterone and LH.

  3. No Severe Suppression: Your post-cycle levels (especially LH and testosterone) were not completely suppressed, so recovery is more likely.

  4. Doctor’s Assessment: They believe you’re recovering naturally, and current labs don’t indicate the need for aggressive intervention (e.g., hCG, SERMs).

Why? You’ve barely started working out again. By April thats only a handful of months. You’ve also already shown a propensity to slack off meaning harming your body with AAS and then losing everything by not working out. Seems like a lose lose to me. Just workout and eat right.


Because I already did AAS but did not workout properly, this time I want to achieve results. Maybe I shoukd do hcg / pct now so I return to baseline faster, train until April hard and then do a cycle shorter than last years. I do really want to achieve juicy physique until Summer, that is my dream and I am willimg to pay risks. Just that I want to minimize them and do it right way. Would be grateful to hear more because I gonna do it anyway, advices from experienced are very welcomed

You’re replacing one addiction for another.


I enjoy working out and healthy eating a lot, it’s my favorite hobby at this moment, I think much better and rewarding than drug use. I just wasted my first cycle last year, if I worked out properly I would be huge right now; but as sahing says its never too late so I am decisive about cycle this year, I do not plan on hard stuff like doing Trenbolone or Deca, but something like Boldenone, Masteron or even Test. I want to have 100% result in Summer, we all know its realistic with AAS, I don’t want spend another summer not achieving dream physique, right now I see how my body transforms and the more I progreess, the less I think about bad stuff and more I am hopeful for future :pray:

If you plan on going back on in a few months why would you bother with PCT now when your just gonna shut yourself down again?
I think you need to listen to others and get a few years of consistent training under your belt before considering drugs again.
Your still developing until late 20’s. Don’t fuck up your hormones any more than you may have already.

Should I do tamoxifen now to return to baseline faster or just working out until April will make me recover just fine, considering my natural recovery? I think about pct too recover faster, so my numbers fully restored until April.

I really want to do second cycle and do hcg during and pct after cycle, I already fucked ul hormones but this cycle I can do it right way with minimal harm. I won’t do more harm than my first cycle, because I did not even workout properly back then but now I do everything right and there is no reason to think that its gonna be worse. Hormonal issues are mostly reversible

Just an fyi, HCG does nothing for you except possibly raise estrogen on a “cycle”. Different if you are on TRT long term.
Your post cycle bloods for FSH and LH are fine for now. Your balls are working. Taking HCG/PCT drugs now will not help anything.
Stay where you are now and do your cycle if you insist in april.
Once you are done with the cycle do a proper PCT and then if your concerned about fertility start an HCG protocol once PCT is done.

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Thanks a lot for these advices, highly appreciated! So, training natty until April and then doing 2-3 month cycle with substances as I noted above (not sure about what and how, likely something non-aggressive), then doing proper pct + hcg protocol (fertility is needed) gonna make me fine right? No point in doing tamoxifen now to restore baseline numbers?

Also, will after second cycle doing proper pct / hcg protocol return numbers to my baseline (to numbers before first cycle)? That’s why I was asking about tamoxifen, to return to baseline now then do cycle in April then do pct again so mumbers stay on baseline or pct after second cycle will be enough.

What would be your personal suggestion for second cycle? I think of Boldenone, Test, Masteron

No no you missed it. :grimacing: Train natty… full stop.

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That made me smile. You took a boat load of AAS for your first cycle. How much lean weight did you gain and how much strength did you add to you big compound lifts?

It was much easier to give advice when I did so at the gym. I could see what I was advising. I could see how strong the person was. I could see if they were improving over time. You are a total mystery.

The best approach is to get much of your natural gains before adding in AAS. They are not magic. AAS like to have something to work with. I was especially entertained when you said you were going to get “huge.”

Do you care to share a pic?


Explain to me why you would select those compounds?
What beneft would each have?

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Drugs and alcohol offer you an escape and a dream that never comes true. Ask me how I know!
They only lead to a response inside your body and that response is ALWAYS…TAKE MORE…DO IT AGAIN!
This is done over and over again until it ruins us.
Steroids are no different. “Just one cycle” right?
then another one and another.
Always chasing a dream or a dream physique.
Your sober now and that’s FUCKING AWSOME.
Be proud and hold your head high Bro.
I just don’t feel like you’re going to get what you’re looking for inside of a needle.
All the Best!