On medically prescribed TRT currently, if I wanted to run a little Masteron alongside for experimental purposes would this flag anything to my Dr on a basic Total & Free T, E2 and SHBG blood draw? Or can I run this without him knowing?
Short answer - yes. Mast will fuck with SHBG, will lower e2 for most people and i also believe that it will increase free T.
As far as you running mast along with prescribed TRT, i just dont see the point of the TRT if you would be blasting gear. The point of a TRT is to be healthy and not run gear. The point of gear is to do the opposite if what is true TRT.
If you want to play with gear and you can get masteron, you can also get test and then just do the TRT for yourself.
As far as masteron itself… Its a shitty compound to fuck with TRT with. Sure, it depends on goals, but i believe there are better compounds to play with if you are willing to go the opposite direction of TRT.
I think you’d be pretty safe. But you could always do a little test-draw earlier just to see. even if your e2 or SHBG were off your doc may not even register it. mine never did, he just looked at TT and lipids, HCT
Yes it does lower HDL. Everything you said here…
This is correct possibly leading your Doc to want a protocol change you dont need. It does lower HDL, whenever I used it in the past I would use the prop ester and Cease 6 weeks before lab work.
I never checked it, personally. But I’m thinking that a regular doc wouldn’t know what he was looking at if a few markers were off. He’s not gonna say “you’ve been taking masteron”