TRT and Masteron - Great Results, but...?

First post in this forum, looking forward to more. I’m a 40 year old based out of Canada who has been on TRT for nearly 2 years, at dosages ranging from 100mg/week to 140mg week. Throughout this time, I’ve tried AI’s (Anastrazole, Aromasin) and HCG, but the best results came at 140mg per week (70mg every 3.5 days) with nothing else.

Still, even “dialed in” I never really got from TRT what I was expecting. A bit of an increase in LBM and decrease in BF%, but no increase in “appropriate aggression”, sex drive, or improvement in brain fog. Compounding the challenge is the lack of access we have up here to the full blood panels you guys have in the US - my doctor would never req for SHBG, Free T, etc. Just Total T, Estradiol, and your usual suspects like Hematocrit, blood lipids, etc. Everything looked good, but I still wasn’t feeling it.

After doing some of my own research, I decided to give low-dose Masteron a try to augment my TRT, with the goal being to increase free T (via competitive SHBG binding) and reduction of aromatization. For the past 12 weeks, my regimen has been 100mg/week T and 150mg/week Masteron. The results have been profound and have exceeded expectations. A few noteworthy ones:

-Improvement in “appropriate aggression” - I’m bolder and more confident at work…
-It has made me into a “goddamned sexual tyrranosaur” in the words of Jesse Ventura, I feel like i’m 18 again…
-Reduced brain fog, much more mental clarity
-Reduced anxiety, something I’ve always struggled with…

One downside is a bit of hairloss, which I’m combatting with daily Nizoral shampoo use. My one major concern however about continuing Masteron use is the impact on cholesterol levels, namely a reduction in HDL and an increase in LDL. My understanding is that steroids in its category have pretty stark and immediate effects on these.

I came across the following study, which illustrates some of these impacts on subjects doing a whole cocktail of steroids

…but I’m wondering if anyone has personally experienced a major impact to blood cholesterol after adding a low amount of a drug like Masteron to their regimen? My next blood panel isn’t for another 3 months, and I’ll be curious to see the results, which will dictate if i continue with this or scrap it


This is my TRT protocol albeit with lower doses. I swear by a test/mast combo.

Unfortunately I do not have bloods to go with it but I would say if you’re worried, taper down on the dose of masteron to a point where you still feel its effects. That dose for me is anywhere between 80-120mg/week.


Effect on lipids is genetically predetermined as well as dictated by which drug is being used. Drugs that interfere with hepatic functioning (interfere with bile flow), or that activate hepatic lipase tend to have a far more deleterious effect on lipid profiles compared to drugs that don’t, other factors include

  • whether the drug aromatises (E is important for cholesterol management and metabolism)
  • Diet/lifestyle
  • support supplement intake

BTW there’s a difference between the amt of cholesterol present on a blood test (hdl/ldl, hdl/ldl ratio etc) and the amount of cholesterol actually being oxidised, plenty of dudes live long, healthy lives with sub-par HDL readings (so don’t touch that statin DAMMIT) unless you have familial hypercholesterolemia or something

My trt dose is 200mg per week and I run mast at 300mg per week during the summer for a maximum of 20 weeks. Don’t have the bloods to back it up but it does jack up my lipids but they bounce back pretty quick once I drop the mast. I’ve don’t get the big libido rise that everyone talks about and I’ve been shaving my head for years. My biggest down side is the body hair, it’s out of control but I do love having the thickest beard that I’ve ever had.

if you don’t have bloods then out of curiosity, how do you know you’re lipid profile takes a beating.

I assume it would, as even 500mg test/wk will drop HDL by about 20-30% in the average individual according to literature (mast is non aromatising, should have a greater negative impact)

I take 100mg test, 200mg mast (soon dropping to 100mg test 100mg mast), I find the combination has me feeling spectacular without as many sides as test (test tends to give me acne and facial water retention, retarded body hair growth… I’ve always been hairy, like… even before I hit puberty I had hair all over my arms and legs… and sideburns actually, not dark hair, but like peach fuzz, I’ve always had this strange peach fuzz on the sides of my face ever since I was about… I want to say seven or eight). Now I can grow a full beard so it doesn’t matter but the fuzz is still there (aside from the fully matured, thick facial hair). On Mast I don’t seem to notice quite as much rapid progression of body hair (which is 100% a genetic thing from my fathers side of the family), however tis still a bit too early to tell.

Well I get bloods every 4 months from my Dr. He shows them to me and we discuss but I’ve never asked for a copy. I guess I could but he’s never been too concerned by any numbers being out of range for one lab as long as they normalize the next time. This is a new dr for me. With my old dr I got my own CBC about every 4 months.

Hey man, I was wondering if you are still on masteron together with TRT, if so, any sides, what dosage? Thanks man
@Singhbuilder I also would like to hear an update from you if possible, thanks!

I finished my last blast in April due to Covid shutting down all gyms in my area for 3 months so I was confined to home workouts with limited equipment.
I was doing 300 test with 300 mast with pretty good results with no sides but I only use mast to give me that polished beach look and due to covid I cancelled all vacations this year.
Since then it’s just I’ve just been taking my trt dose of 200 per week.
But with the new vaccine coming out and it looks as though I will be able to get my shot fairly early as a essential healthcare worker I’m looking to start again in the spring to be ready for a summer vacation if everything works out as planned.

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Thanks for the input man

Hair loss? I’m on 300mg Masteron, take saw palmetto 1g Blocks DHT hair loss. Also 100,000mcg Biotin and 20g Collagen. Hair has never been thicker! But that’s just me!

Raise HDL with Salmon oil 6-8g, Moderate alcohol consumption, Cardio raises HDL,. Lower LDL by cutting fatty foods, keep glucose lower.

I’m looking into adding a compound to my cut this year. Currently on 120mg of test and that puts my TT at 1000. I’m looking for something that will give me that hard/dry look. Would masterone be a good addition for a 16 week cut? Or do you run it after you reach your summer goal?

How do you dose masterone? Can it be split into multiple shots throughout the week?

Any input is appreciated.

I had to come off masteron as my SHBG hit rock bottom. Its slowly recovering now.

Currently on 85mg test prop per week shot everyday.


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How long did you run it for? I just started with 280mg weekly. Daily shots of 40mg for the next 15 weeks.

How do you feel on Test P compared to Test C, equivalent dosages? I’ve been wanting to try Test P to see if I feel better with the daily fluctuations.

Have you tried other TRT low dose add-ons besides Mast?

I’m not sure if was on and off.


I’m currently on proviron 50mg. Can’t say it’s making much of a difference.

Switching to prop really helped but I think that’s because my shbg was so low. Now that it’s come up I’m pretty sure if I went back to less frequent shots I’ll be OK.


you came off of mast because your shbg was low? But the effects were still there? like well being etc, Just wondering why one would come off because of shbg…since proviron is famous for tanking shbg

@jdbaizley you still on mast?

Ive been on Cyp for a while now and I’m doing OK.