First post in this forum, looking forward to more. I’m a 40 year old based out of Canada who has been on TRT for nearly 2 years, at dosages ranging from 100mg/week to 140mg week. Throughout this time, I’ve tried AI’s (Anastrazole, Aromasin) and HCG, but the best results came at 140mg per week (70mg every 3.5 days) with nothing else.
Still, even “dialed in” I never really got from TRT what I was expecting. A bit of an increase in LBM and decrease in BF%, but no increase in “appropriate aggression”, sex drive, or improvement in brain fog. Compounding the challenge is the lack of access we have up here to the full blood panels you guys have in the US - my doctor would never req for SHBG, Free T, etc. Just Total T, Estradiol, and your usual suspects like Hematocrit, blood lipids, etc. Everything looked good, but I still wasn’t feeling it.
After doing some of my own research, I decided to give low-dose Masteron a try to augment my TRT, with the goal being to increase free T (via competitive SHBG binding) and reduction of aromatization. For the past 12 weeks, my regimen has been 100mg/week T and 150mg/week Masteron. The results have been profound and have exceeded expectations. A few noteworthy ones:
-Improvement in “appropriate aggression” - I’m bolder and more confident at work…
-It has made me into a “goddamned sexual tyrranosaur” in the words of Jesse Ventura, I feel like i’m 18 again…
-Reduced brain fog, much more mental clarity
-Reduced anxiety, something I’ve always struggled with…
One downside is a bit of hairloss, which I’m combatting with daily Nizoral shampoo use. My one major concern however about continuing Masteron use is the impact on cholesterol levels, namely a reduction in HDL and an increase in LDL. My understanding is that steroids in its category have pretty stark and immediate effects on these.
I came across the following study, which illustrates some of these impacts on subjects doing a whole cocktail of steroids
…but I’m wondering if anyone has personally experienced a major impact to blood cholesterol after adding a low amount of a drug like Masteron to their regimen? My next blood panel isn’t for another 3 months, and I’ll be curious to see the results, which will dictate if i continue with this or scrap it