[quote]Professor X wrote:
Westclock wrote:
Why do people lie on the internet anyways ?
Its like lying about your accomplishments to a dog, sure the dog is there and it listens, but its a dog, it cant understand you anyways, and even if it did, its a dog, it eats its own vomit…do you really care what it thinks of you ?
Even if your a “Professional MMA Fighter/Bodybuilder” on the internet, your still a little bitch where it matters…so its simply wasting your own time.
It used to be worse (as far as lying on the internet). Everyone used to be over 260lbs with 6% body fat. Sometimes they would even post someone else’s pics as their own…something increasingly hard to do because with the growth of the internet, the chances of grabbing someone else’s picture and having no one else notice it ain’t you are growing smaller.
People are also easily intimidated by others if they are doing better than they are.
As far as the OP, actions and even mental state do not tell you about someone’s hormonal profile…however, there are many generalizations that have been made and I personally doubt most high T individuals will come across as feminine beta-type personalities.[/quote]
Fair enough.
And I do agree that your entire mental outlook is not dependent on testosterone rates.
Certainly it helps, most guys overflowing with test arent going to act weak and bitchy, as their basic impulse is to simply say the first thing that comes to mind…
Heres the kicker a large percentage of how you act is determined by how others see you and act around you.
If you have had high testosterone your entire life its unlikely your going to be a skinny little kid. You’ll have a high appetite and a large bone structure even if you never worked out, this leads to a decent amount of muscle and at-least a large frame no matter what.
This means you have likely been a larger guy your whole life, and have always been treated with respect. You come to expect to be able to act a little jerkish and get away with it…etc.
When on cycle I dont feel significantly different than off. And on cycle Im running at least a gram of test a week.
Sex drive skyrockets, but how you feel and act is about the same. Its not like you suddenly become a super confident superhero simply because you have high test. Your a little more likely to act before thinking than usual, but its not that noticeable.
And certainly my normal rates are not a gram a week, if the actual hormone’s immediate effect on brain chemistry had a SIGNIFICANT impact on your personality I would have noticed by now.