Does Intermittent Fasting Work?


This is blowing my mind, going on a 16 hours fast, and during the 8 hours eating window, you get to eat what you want. Been reading alot of articles on elite fitne ss, iron maga zines, No idea how legit these sites are.

But with the rate the pic threads , alot are making huge progress , and i see them eat is fast food, and junk food.

i know many dont go with this type of diet, but if a yes or no question, Does IF really work?


It can. I had a hard time with the 16:8 fast. Carb back loading has been a better fit for me.

I’ve been doing it pretty consistently since January, so it works for me. Its convenient and I feel like its helped me gain weight without hardly any fat, if any extra at all. I’ve gone from 119 to 138 and my abs are just as visible. In fact, if I wasn’t wanting to stay in the 132 weight class, I’m pretty sure I could be around 145-150 right now if I wanted.

Also, majority of the this year I’ve worked out toward the end of my 16 hour fast with just some BCAAs. Obviously I didn’t shrivel up and die.

Do your homework and read some of the myriad of threads about this ever-growing diet style. Does it work? Yes. Can you eat whatever you want and stay lean? No. Not rocket science but still fairly effective.

Sick of your diet already?

There’s a difference between cutting fat, on the one hand, and gaining while staying lean, on the other. Pick up Carb Night Solution and Carb Back Loading by Keiffer and between the two you will get a pretty good idea about the differences and the theory and practice behind one method/variation of IF (Carb Back Loading). CBL isn’t technically IF but it does borrow on some of its practices and the book explains alot about IF.

Short answer: cutting fat sucks and you have a lot less freedom when cutting then you have trying to do a lean gain. I’ve had good luck so far with CBL keeping the fat loss I worked hard for running Carb Night, but CBL isn’t a good way to cut fat quickly, at least for me anyway.

[quote]JamesBrawn007 wrote:
Do your homework and read some of the myriad of threads about this ever-growing diet style. Does it work? Yes. Can you eat whatever you want and stay lean? No. Not rocket science but still fairly effective.[/quote]

This. Once you’re past the initial 1-2 week “pain,” the fasting should be no issue whatsoever.

In fact, there have been a lot of people recently advocating more of an 18:6 (or slightly less) ratio of eating.

Best advice is to try it, CONSISTENTLY, for a somewhat prolonged period of time, and determine if it’s for you or not. If you are someone who has difficulty gaining weight (but doesn’t get fat easily,) it may not be best for you. Otherwise, again, try it for yourself and see.

[quote]kinetics.1981 wrote:
i know many dont go with this type of diet, but if a yes or no question, Does IF really work? [/quote]
Yes, intermittent fasting can work. Strategic fasting has been around bodybuilding for decades. It was popular, then it wasn’t, now it is again.

Eating 6-8 meals per day can also work. Small, frequent feedings have also been around bodybuilding for decades. It wasn’t popular, then it was, now it isn’t again.

Try different methods for yourself, see what happens, learn as you go. (Though, I know you’re not going to change what you’re doing right now, because you’re in the middle of a time-sensitive cut. Wait until you’re done to experiment.)

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:

[quote]kinetics.1981 wrote:
i know many dont go with this type of diet, but if a yes or no question, Does IF really work? [/quote]
Yes, intermittent fasting can work. Strategic fasting has been around bodybuilding for decades. It was popular, then it wasn’t, now it is again.

Eating 6-8 meals per day can also work. Small, frequent feedings have also been around bodybuilding for decades. It wasn’t popular, then it was, now it isn’t again.

Try different methods for yourself, see what happens, learn as you go. (Though, I know you’re not going to change what you’re doing right now, because you’re in the middle of a time-sensitive cut. Wait until you’re done to experiment.)[/quote]

yeah , man i understand what you saying.

And am not going on this diet, atleast not for now, wanna finish doing what am doing. although now am hitting a god damn platue, been uping my carbs a tiny bit, changing my training a little bit too.

guess ill be stuck on this for a week or so, before i start losing again

[quote]kinetics.1981 wrote:
…and i see them eat is fast food, and junk food.


Macros must be met regardless.
I’m calling BS on the making great ‘cutting progress’ while eating fast/junk food. No matter what protocol is used.

[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:

[quote]kinetics.1981 wrote:
…and i see them eat is fast food, and junk food.


Macros must be met regardless.
I’m calling BS on the making great ‘cutting progress’ while eating fast/junk food. No matter what protocol is used. [/quote]

as , inorder to cut the mentioned above doesnt work right?

[quote]kinetics.1981 wrote:

This is blowing my mind, going on a 16 hours fast, and during the 8 hours eating window, you get to eat what you want. Been reading alot of articles on elite fitne ss, iron maga zines, No idea how legit these sites are.

But with the rate the pic threads , alot are making huge progress , and i see them eat is fast food, and junk food.

i know many dont go with this type of diet, but if a yes or no question, Does IF really work?


Work for what? to lose weight or to get girls to notice you or to make you a better singer…?

The best use of IF is to trick one’s body metabolically.

When one fasts it forces the body to manufacture ketone bodies for energy. Aceto-Acetate (AcAc) is made by the liver from the break down of fatty acids which are in turn made into betahydroxybuterate (BOHB) by muscle tissue which the brain can use with small amounts of glucose for energy.

In fact, metabolically speaking, fasting simulates the perfect diet by way of the bodies natural use of fat and breakdown of protein for glucose support (for intense mechanical energy).

If one should want to use IF the best and easiest way is to change one’s diet so that the body is adapted to using fat for energy rather than carbohydrate. It takes a few weeks on a very low carbohydrate diet to achieve this feat.

[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:

[quote]kinetics.1981 wrote:
…and i see them eat is fast food, and junk food.


Macros must be met regardless.
I’m calling BS on the making great ‘cutting progress’ while eating fast/junk food. No matter what protocol is used. [/quote]

I’ve been doing a 16:8 thing for a while now and while you can’t “eat whatever you want” I find you can “get away with” a little more during your eating window than you otherwise could. Especially when you work your ass off physically during the fasted window.

Of course, if rapid fat loss is your primary goal the cleaner you can keep it the better, obviously.