Doctor's Approval to Eat Every 2 Hours

[quote]Squiggles wrote:
Keep a baggy of beef jerky in the toilet bowl. Eat beans for breakfast so your intense gas throughout the day will earn you additional bathroom breaks.[/quote]

Classic move sir

I remember in the news some time a some French company was going to lay off a bunch of workers. Do you know what the worker’s did? They kidnapped the CEO. He was treated quite well, and was fed steaks and caviar, but he was still abducted. I’m not sure if they threatened death or torture, but he was still held against his will. The worker’s got there way.

So in that spirit, organize a revolution. You have to be sly about it or they will take you down for being the ring leader. It should end w/ your supervisor ducktaped to the ceiling. I suggest creating an fake email account in a coworker’s name you dislike and using that to raise the rallying cry.

Here are some more non-violent options: I think an anonymous letter to the management explaining the unfairness of the situation would do quite well.

If it is ignored more radical action is warranted, such as distributing loud noise making instruments around the office to be used at frequent, random, but coordinated times of the day. Have a buddy order several pizzas in your supervisors’s name and have them delivered to the office. People here are more creative than me so I’m sure you will get more suggestions.

Remember, this is a very unreasonable request on an employee who is busting his ass for an organization, so the response should be unreasonable as well.

Never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers, and warriors, and make it known that that shit will not stand.

Get a doctor who’s cool enough, tell him what’s going on and he should help you out.

Dumb rules are meant to be broken.

Remember Dr John Berardi. Precision Nutrition maybe he could write you a note.

This is real simple. Go sit in a toilet stall and chug a shake.

If you go the doctors note route your co-workers who don’t get to eat at their cubicles will give you shit ALL THE TIME and that’s probably something you’re not gonna want to deal with 40 hours a week.

Also not sure about your state but where I live the law says you’re entitled to a ten minute break every two hours.

Yeah, you should be getting a break every two hours.

It’s called hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. principal problems from Hypoglycemia arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in neuroglycopenia.

[quote]Syalowicki wrote:
It’s called hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. principal problems from Hypoglycemia arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in neuroglycopenia.[/quote]

This has been my excuse since second year of college. It pays to be a biology major.

Most people don’t really know what it means, but it sounds DEADLY. It is also completely true considering my training and diet over the years creates an environment where I do get low blood sugar if I go too long without eating.

Not to mention that you can get away with a hell of a lot more…WHEN YOU LOOK THE PART.

If you have a doctor that can write up a note for something, great. That’s not what I would do, though.

Have you tried actually talking with your boss about this? The longer you wait, the lower your chances of success. Send him an e-mail and ask about discussing this in a meeting. Don’t complain or accuse. Instead, research and gather facts about yourself and your lifestyle choices, and present them in a professional manner. Gather support from others and ask them to vouch for your suggestions in this meeting.

It is possible to make the argument that this is lowering your productivity and costing the company money. If your boss isn’t completely bullshit, it is also possible to persuade him to adjust the rules to something more specific. No wet foods? Allow apples? Specified eating areas? Figure something out and just go for it. If he’s concerned about impressing upper management, your handling of this situation could go a long way towards improving both his and your image within the company. If anything, you’re showcasing your desire to be healthy, not to ‘get what you want’. (I wouldn’t mention anything about bulking though)

If your you’re working at some Omnicorp, every other option risks hurting your reputation. Do nothing and you screw yourself over. Eat in secret, and eventually you will get caught. Comments on how sneaky you are aside, those options suck. Worst thing that can happen with my suggestion is they refuse to loosen up, and you are right back where you are. If you did it right, you won’t be seen as a complainer, but an open-minded visionary. That certainly can’t hurt.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Not to mention that you can get away with a hell of a lot more…WHEN YOU LOOK THE PART.[/quote]

We were looking for something a bit… Easier.

Most places give you at least 2 15min breaks and 30-1hr lunch that should be enough, worst case take up smoking, those fuckers leave for 15min every 45 min, not bagging on smokers just hatin’.

Personally I’d say things about the bosses value as a human being and probably mention impotent/incompetent. Maybe add some violence in to assert my point. But that’s just me.

[quote]thrasher wrote:
This is real simple. Go sit in a toilet stall and chug a shake.

If you go the doctors note route your co-workers who don’t get to eat at their cubicles will give you shit ALL THE TIME and that’s probably something you’re not gonna want to deal with 40 hours a week.

Also not sure about your state but where I live the law says you’re entitled to a ten minute break every two hours.[/quote]

If I spend most of my day at work and I can only eat once for lunch and the rest of my time is spent drinking shakes that would be a very expensive and crappy mostly liquid diet. Plus I’d prefer to get a note so that I can eat while working.

My whole reasoning for thinking this rule is BS is because I can eat a protein bar while working without losing productivity, now if I’m going to the bathroom to chug a shake every 2 hrs that is decreasing productivity by breaking my work flow. Plus, if I get a doctors note it’s a good way of saying F*** You without getting fired. =)

[quote]PianoMan7 wrote:
If you have a doctor that can write up a note for something, great. That’s not what I would do, though.

Have you tried actually talking with your boss about this? The longer you wait, the lower your chances of success. Send him an e-mail and ask about discussing this in a meeting. Don’t complain or accuse. Instead, research and gather facts about yourself and your lifestyle choices, and present them in a professional manner. Gather support from others and ask them to vouch for your suggestions in this meeting.

It is possible to make the argument that this is lowering your productivity and costing the company money. If your boss isn’t completely bullshit, it is also possible to persuade him to adjust the rules to something more specific. No wet foods? Allow apples? Specified eating areas? Figure something out and just go for it. If he’s concerned about impressing upper management, your handling of this situation could go a long way towards improving both his and your image within the company. If anything, you’re showcasing your desire to be healthy, not to ‘get what you want’. (I wouldn’t mention anything about bulking though)

If your you’re working at some Omnicorp, every other option risks hurting your reputation. Do nothing and you screw yourself over. Eat in secret, and eventually you will get caught. Comments on how sneaky you are aside, those options suck. Worst thing that can happen with my suggestion is they refuse to loosen up, and you are right back where you are. If you did it right, you won’t be seen as a complainer, but an open-minded visionary. That certainly can’t hurt.[/quote]

We had a meeting about it, unfortunately it was on a day that I was on vacation. However one of my co-workers just passed his bar exam and is the type of guy that no one likes because he argues EVERYTHING even if it’s not a subject he particularly cares about, but does so anyways just on principle and he usually wins because he knows his stuff and knows how to argue. So I was pretty happy to hear that he was in the meeting and was trying to argue that it was BS. However from what I hear my supervisor didn’t really have any answers to his questions and refused to really discuss the matter and pretty much said, “listen this is the way it is now and if there is a problem with it and you need more clarification come to my office and I’ll be happy to clear it up for you”. I really wish I was in the meeting though, because altho this guys can argue his way out of just about anything, he doesn’t know much about nutrition so I think if him and I were to both argue our cases, me from the nutrition side, him from the productivity and legal side we’d have had a pretty good case. But woulda, coulda, shoulda’s don’t get me anywhere. So I’ll be taking time to go to my doctor and try to get the note. We’ll see how it goes.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]Syalowicki wrote:
It’s called hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. principal problems from Hypoglycemia arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in neuroglycopenia.[/quote]

This has been my excuse since second year of college. It pays to be a biology major.

Most people don’t really know what it means, but it sounds DEADLY. It is also completely true considering my training and diet over the years creates an environment where I do get low blood sugar if I go too long without eating.

Not to mention that you can get away with a hell of a lot more…WHEN YOU LOOK THE PART.[/quote]

Do hypoglycemics have a “look” to them? lol Plus if most people don’t know what it is, would it really matter what you look like, if they don’t understand the disease they probably don’t understand the symptoms and what someone with the disease would look like. Or do you mean just get as big as possible so that anyone who looks at you just assumes there must be something wrong.

Wow, is this what it’s coming to these days to “keep a job”? I went into business for my self over five years ago, and it fucking amazes me the shit people will tolerate. Last time I checked, you were a grown man, not a child to be dictated silly “rules” to so that the management will be impressed… Your boss is douche bag.

Go guerrilla on their ass: if they’re gonna play pussy, they’re gonna get fucked.

Fuck a note. Get up from your cubicle and “pass out” from hypoglycemic shock. Do it in front of one of the guy’s offices who’s ass he is trying lick. Try and knock over a cubicle wall or break something. Stay “passed out” until a crowd is around you. As you groggily “recover” mention that you, “need something to raise my blood sugar”, as you hold your neck and your head and say in a low painful voice over and over, “it hurts, it hurts”.

The first thing the big wig is gonna think is LAWSUIT. Mention that ever since they instituted the policy, you’ve been having dizzy spells, and that you think you are showing the signs of adult onset diabetes. The policy will disappear SO fast, it will be like it was never there.

That’s what I’d do. If that doesn’t work, take a play from Office Space and just burn down the building! LOL

Wear clothing made of food.

[quote]angry chicken wrote:
Wow, is this what it’s coming to these days to “keep a job”? I went into business for my self over five years ago, and it fucking amazes me the shit people will tolerate. Last time I checked, you were a grown man, not a child to be dictated silly “rules” to so that the management will be impressed… Your boss is douche bag.

Go guerrilla on their ass: if they’re gonna play pussy, they’re gonna get fucked.

Fuck a note. Get up from your cubicle and “pass out” from hypoglycemic shock. Do it in front of one of the guy’s offices who’s ass he is trying lick. Try and knock over a cubicle wall or break something. Stay “passed out” until a crowd is around you. As you groggily “recover” mention that you, “need something to raise my blood sugar”, as you hold your neck and your head and say in a low painful voice over and over, “it hurts, it hurts”.

The first thing the big wig is gonna think is LAWSUIT. Mention that ever since they instituted the policy, you’ve been having dizzy spells, and that you think you are showing the signs of adult onset diabetes. The policy will disappear SO fast, it will be like it was never there.

That’s what I’d do. If that doesn’t work, take a play from Office Space and just burn down the building! LOL


Lol, this is so over the top it’s awesome. FTW!

[quote]bonerjams98 wrote:
Wear clothing made of food. [/quote]

Seems to me as if that’s a plan for Casual Fridays… What do you suggest for Tuesday?

I used the low blood sugar excuse when I was a correctional officer and administration said that we could not bring food into the institution. It worked. Job still sucked. I Quit. Became a firefighter. No more food issues.