Doctor Says My Labs are Perfect, I Don’t Trust Doctors. Opinions?

Hey guys!
30 year old male here, 6 months into trt. Attached are my before, and now 6 months in bloods. My protocol is as follows;

110 mg cyp
500 iu hcg
0.5 mg anastrozole

110 mg cyp
500 iu hcg
0.5 mg anastrozole

Like I said, he’s saying everything is great, I’m just not the best at reading these and would appreciate some feedback from guys who have real life experience vs some wellness clinic that makes more money the more they prescribe. Thanks!

How do you feel?


You seem to be taking alot of anastrozole. That much AI could be tanking your E2. Like NH Watts asked, how do you feel. Dont chase numbers, treat symptoms. If you are experiencing symptoms, then describe them .

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Body comp is definitely better. I dropped about 20 lbs while getting stronger on my big lifts. That’s about it though, libido, sleep, energy, is all about the same.

BUT were those suffering prior to TRT?

Libido and energy were, those haven’t gotten better. Never had a huge issue with sleep but still haven’t been able to get those deep restful jump out of bed in the morning sleeps.

Based on your highish SHBG you should be able to raise your free T by changing your shot frequency. Id also let your E2 come up a bit. Higher T requires higher E2.

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So higher frequency than 2x/wk?

You definitely need to get your Free T higher, what doesn’t decrease between injections tends to increase instead. You may require a dosage increase and a doctor that goes after symptom resolution rather than chasing reference ranges.

Doctors like to chase the numbers, I like to go based of symptom resolution. We’re not trying to make the numbers look good, we are trying to resolve all symptoms. The numbers will have more value when you feel good.

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