Edited on 12/12/14 to update progress, goals and challenges
Current stats:
Male, 35 years old. 290 lbs. 6’00" Roughly 35% bodyfat, just a guesstimate. Down from 320-330 to start 2013, unsure of bodyfat then but certainly 40+%. As of this edit I am in my 16th month of barbell training.
I began barbell training in September 2013 using a 5x5 system. From March to September 2013 I did some unstructured dumbbell work, water aerobics, mind-numbing elliptical work and plenty of unproductive bicep curling. Prior to that I did a lot of sitting on my ass drinking beer for over a decade.
On Oct. 13, 2014 I took up 5/3/1, doing a 4 day upper/lower split and continue to run this program.
Lifting numbers:
Squat: Best single of 465x1, best 5/3/1 PR set of 375x7
Deadlift: Best single of 565x1, best 5/3/1 PR set of 450x8
Bench Press: Best single of 300x1, best 5/3/1 PR set of 230x9
Strict Press: Best single of 200x1, best 5/3/1 PR set of 155x10
I have never used a lifting belt (which is something I should probably change) and I do not use straps or gear of any kind with the exception of loose knee wraps on heavy squat sets.
Lifting Goals for 2015:
No specific numbers, I just want to continue getting stronger overall and continue having fun with lifting weights and self-improvement. I will probably do some max testing in the spring of 2015 to see where six months of 5/3/1 have gotten me. I think a bench in the low 300’s, a squat over 500, a DL around 600 and a press of 225 are realistic for me to hit, but I’ll just keep training hard and see where I end up.
Current Diet:
On a good day I am eating 2400 to 2500 calories with macros in the following neighborhood - 270g Carbs, 250g protein, 60g fat. On a bad day I will drink 1500 calories of New England’s finest craft beers and then eat more food than I should.
Diet Goals for 2015:
Do what I did in 2014 a little bit better and keep myself in slow, steady fat loss territory while preserving strength.
Challenges: Consistency of diet, consistency of avoiding alcohol, especially high-calorie craft beer. Do more conditioning. Do more mobility work.
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read and comment on my log. I appreciate all of the support and encouragement.
Best regards,