Deadlift, Steak, Beer, Sleep, Repeat

Hey guys, greeting from Northern Ireland, new to the board, was posting on Dr Dardens forum until recently.

Background; Am 43, 6’4 and 290lb, been training for 28 years (bar for a 3 year layoff after suffering a stroke when i was 24). Ive also 3 herniated discs and a shoulder impingement. Ive trained mostly in HIT style, but around 3 years i started training in a strongman gym and found i much preferred training in that way. Getting stronger on my feet is the best thing i ever did for my back.
I focus on 3 exercises, trap bar or wide stance conventional deadlifts, viking or log presses and loaded carries (usually farmers or sandbag). Anything else is just gravy, accessory work i leave up to how i feel on the day. The deadlifts and presses are always in the 1-3 rep range. Strength endurance ain’t my thing.

I no longer squat or bench, for a few reason’s, if am squatting am not deadlifting, and if im benching am not overhead pressing lol.

Current goal; I hit my goal 600lbTBDL (got a double with 606lb), and a 315lb double on the viking press recently. So now the goal is to drop 30-40lb and maintain strength as best as possible, so it’ll be a slow process. The body beautiful is something ive no real interest in, i couldnt care less about having wash board abs, but am starting to feel the pace of being 290lb. Ill get some photos up in due course.


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You are 4 inches taller than me, and 5 years younger. You are the ideal height for Strongman.

Nice TBDL.

Cheers Artery, I’ve even got the belly lol

Cheers Hel, couple of years ago I could even pull 200lb because of my back issues, so am pleased with me progress, next stop 300kg at a lighter bodyweight:)

This is about thr most flexing I do lol


Viking press today, worked up to another 142.5kg double, I’ll own this weight before moving up.


Machine pullover
Hammer row

One arm Preacher curl machine
Overhead cable tri extension



Feet where a little too far forward, end up going back on myself. I’ll know for next time


Welcome to the forum, good to have some more mature lifters on here. Count me in for the ride to smashing those goals.


Thanks very much Simo, appreciated it:) Time to work on me lb 4 lb strength. Ugh, smaller steaks, less beer and cheesecake…the humanity lol

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Sounds like torture :joy:


Hi Rob
Nice idea starting a log here. Not sure if you feel the same but with Dr D’s move to the Forums section I’ve felt that, despite having trained HIT-style for 15 years, a break is best. I think with the move it’s best to keep it (the new forum) specific to HIT: machines, Jones, Mentzer, Viator, 30/10/30 or one set to failure etc etc.
Good luck on your “cutting phase” and the future 300kg TBDL. Things looking good so far.


PS: the only thing I miss from my old gyms (apart from a bench) is the Viking Press machine. Envy time.

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Welcome - really like your log title :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey Ray, all good bud? I agree, its a better place overall for all imo, i like the set up. Always good to keep a log i think, for accountability, plus its nice to see how others train, sometimes you pick up some training gems/ideas…such as your Reeves TBDLs (trained those today).
Ha, “cutting phase”, i like that lol…

Love that Viking press, offered to buy it of the owner (Phil) a few times, but he was having none of it lol. Cancelled the other gym and went back to Phils, cant stand commercial gyms.


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Hey mate, thank you. Ha the log name, i wanted to add cheesecake and presses too but would have been too long…like a Meatloaf song title or something lol



Cheesecake is so very good :slight_smile:


Hi Whang, thanks mate. Was over working, stressed etc at that time. I collapse on the floor one morning while eating my breakfast, I’d a complete paralysis of the left side if my body. It took 3 years before I got full power back.

An MRI confirmed a part of my brain is dead, the neurologist told me it may well lead to issues in later life, but its not something I worry about. It is what it is, let the chips fall where they may.



You’ve had your health issues, Rob, so to get to a 300kg+ deadlift is phenomenal. We sometimes forget in this era of Thor, Benni, Andy B, Eddie H, Jerry Pritchett et al, and the “assistance” they’ve received, that even freaks like Anderson, Hepburn and Peoples were “only” 700-800lbs deadlifters.



Hey Ray,

Yes mate, everyone gets their turn. Assistance?? Oh you duck eggs…absolutely lol. I’d be willing to bet that if todays guys only had available what the likes of Anderson, Grimick, Hepburn had, the latter would have came out way on top. That’s not to say that todays guys haven’t worked hard, as you know am a big fan of Pritchett and his work ethic.
Your lifts still going up?

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Home breif HIT static workout tonight…

Shoulder press machine
Machine curl
Static pushdowns with triceps strap

3 x 10 second holds with top weight, and just 10 second rest pauses between holds.

These where the holding positions on the first two exercises. Used additional band tension aswell. I’ll take a few days off now