Do I need to use a AI?

So I’ve been on cycle of 500mg of test e a week for 9 weeks now and got my blood work done and my Estridol was 116 and my prolactin was 20.8 and my estridol before I started my cycle was at 39 so obviously it has risen a lot. I haven’t got my total test count results back yet but with having 116 estridol should I take arimdex and if so how much ?

If your not feeling any side effects of elevated estrogen I would just ride it out. How much longer you plan on being on?

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I wouldn’t if I wasn’t have any side effects or issues.

As to how much, no one knows. We’re all different. I’d start with a small dose, .25mg after each injection and assess up or down from there.


Take arimidex : Itchy nipples

Maybe take it : lower libido, decreased erection quality, high BP, bloating.

DONT TAKE IT: No discernable sides…

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