I’ve been taking 0.5 mg for the past couple of days and I’ve already seen improvement in sexual function. Hopefully this dose will be adequate to prevent further hair loss.
From what I understand, sexual side effects are temporary and cease once the medication is no longer taken.
I’ve been watching a lot of the Haircafe YouTube channel, and according to him, post finasteride syndrome is fear mongering and not based on any rigorous, high quality data.
I will keep you guys updated. Thank you for weighing in.
Do yourself a favor, don’t shop for an answer to ease your conscience, do more research and don’t take the word of some guy on Youtube without knowing his intentions, background or credentials.
Merk, the maker of finasteride even says permanent side effects were reported in their own clinical trial and even to this day symptoms are still present decades later, so it’s going to be difficult to dismisss at this point.