I’ve been lifting weights recreationaly for a couple of years. I never really took my diet seriously, but I am starting to now. I just wanted to get stronger.
The thing is, my body is really here nor there. I am 23, 5’11", 172lbs, and about 16% BF accordfing to my accu-measure calipers and the 3-site method at rustyiron.net. That could be totally wrong as I just started using them, however. At the beginning of may I was about 185, at god knows what BF%. I have been focusing on losing weight. I’ve been lifting and cut back on cals. I try to get lots of protein but often fall short of the goal.
I realise that 16% is probably high for a bulking routine. (How low should it be before bulking anyways?) But if I cut to a low BF level there will be barely anything of me left!!
I should mention that I don’t really consider myself a bodybuilder. I don’t want to be shredded, necessarily. I’d say my goals were 1. Health 2. Strength and 3. Looks. Basically, I don’t want to be flabby, but being veiny shredded is not the goal.
So the question is, should I be bulking or cutting???