I’ve got a question for you guys. I’m 36 and have been lifting for awhile. I did TRT a couple years ago and loved it but the cost was too much to justify keeping it up. I’m looking at buying Testosterone E and they are suggesting an anti estrogen to go along with it. Is DIM a good choice? Thanks!
It worked for me in higher dosages but the trouble is that it’s not cost effective when compared to Adex (or preferably Tamoxifen).
I tried DIM while running a 300 mg blast and it crashed my e2 totally. I took it as the bottle suggested which was 2 pills twice a day. My workout partner had e2 at 80 and dim didnt do jack shit for him. Everybody is different I guess. If your running at trt levels you may not need e2 control at all. Do you have pre trt bloodwork? Run 100 mg a week for 6 weeks and run bloodwork. Based on those labs you can make adjustments up or down or add in a estrogen control. Just food for thought.
My doctor admitted the DIM I take is better than the DIM he sells.
You’re getting ahead of yourself. Do you even need e2 control?
Don’t crash your e2. it sucks
Lol your doctor sells dim?
Actually, yes … most pellet doctors automatically push DIM as a way to control the possible increase of E.
Plus, BIOTE (the pellet company) manufactures their own DIM … But the Indolplex I buy is stronger and better (he says).
A company expects you to have high E2 on their product? LOL
My test levels are pretty normal…I just love the way the extra feels. I guess I’ll play regular for awhile and see what happens. I’ll have my doctor do blood tests every few months to make sure everything is on point.