100% correct. When I feel horrible I pump some tunes that I love and I feel happy. The body reacts to it surroundings. Thoughts … if you meditate on being in a specific area you can change the chemical composition of your brain and what chemicals are released. That’s what the ice man does in Norway. He can manipulate his immune system and etc. interesting stuff that works
Sunday Funday: After a long long dry spell, except for sexual favors my wife wakes me up from a stone dead sleep at 12:30 at night, says make love to me. No foreplay, just hop on and go to town. Her memory of my sexual prowess hasn’t been updated in a while, I’m in my 60s now. Jumping on and going for it after waking up just moments ago from a stone cold sleep, sure, let’s go for it. Midway, things are happening, man I’m a beast, suddenly I got a Charlie horse in both hamstrings, wincing in pain, completely horizontal now. I couldn’t move. Wife thought I was having an earth shattering orgasm, just went with it. She got up to use the bathroom, I slid out of bed without bending my legs, damn that hurt.
That must of hurt lol…
My wife would be like “where’s mine”… asshole
Sooo, I got a supply of Omnitrope (HGH) left over from wife’s concussion therapy, (that crap is expensive). Opinions: Beneficial to me, bad, how to use, amount to inject, etc.
I am reading this thread again because I have a dopamine lab test coming up next week.
I have read that some use it only before exercise and others talk about using it before sex. Some have pointed out that it makes your nose run … which is interesting, since Viagra does the opposite. I wonder how they work together?
My interest is in using short term before sexual activity. But I’m doing blood work first because I want to see what my natural levels of all the related chemicals are.
I’m fishing to see if anyone else has experimented since this thread was published.
On the other side, increases in serotonin make orgasm more difficult and discourages sexual activity. There are articles on the net on how to increase your serotonin … and one way is by eating salmon. Today I’m crying - I eat Salmon multiple times a week.
wow I have to say I have looked all over the internet for a topic like this and never found a single thing.I can relate to this issue my self and have often wondered what it was related too. After reading some of the responses I will be heading to my doctor now and asking him to check a few levels in my blood work. Thank you to Thorbaker for starting this thread it needs to be a sticky
I never bothered to ask him before because to me it seemed to be a complicated issue and there was zero info on line about it.
I can tell that I never had a issue before I ran a cycle about 3/4 of the way through the cycle I noticed that I had pretty much dried up I increased my test level and that helped a bit but it’s never been the same since then. I am under a lot of stress full time at work and pretty much chalked it up to that.
recently I have started to self medicated myself with 1ML of 200mg once a week and just started 250IU of HCG 2 times a week it’s to early to tell about the HCG as I’ve only taken on shot of it.
But I am setup tp have a full set of blood works done and i’ll be sure to make sure the cortisol and prolaction are included in the test
You want to test cortisol over a 24 hour period, not just a morning test because it can change throughout the day.
Test, try injecting your weekly dose divided by 3 and HCG 3 days a week. Inject test into fat not muscle.
Example: I inject .2ml of 200mgml 3 days a week. Monday Wednesday Friday, HCG Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday is a day off.
What’s helped me the most, was alternating test doses each week.
I will certainly give it a try I’m surprised that it has any benefits dosing like that from what i understand with that ester is that the effects will last about 7 days so it would seem like your loading up as the week goes on. But hey I’ll give that a try I also picked up some.
pumpkin seed oil too
The issue is for sure one of my levels is off I have zero problem getting and maintaining a erection
will see next week after the blood work is done what everything is
I’m not sure how you could test cortisol of a 24 hour period I thought it this had to be tested through blood work only?
Test injecting into adipose rather than muscle is even a slower rise and fall than IM. So you get more of a steady state and not a sudden peak and fall. Altering injection amounts slowly changes the steady state. At least for me it does. Altering injection amounts has helped me a lot. My stress level has also come way down, which seems to be a contributing factor.
Try some GABA for your stress, as much as it takes to achieve a tingling effect in your face and neck. GABA is a amino like hormone that is found in the body and is suppose to bring your stress response back to homeostasis. Its wonderful stuff. There are some drawbacks, dont take it before you eat, if it kicks in while eating you wont stop eating until you devoured your fork. Other drawback, if it kicks in while having sex, forget about every having an orgasm. Early morning and afternoon is the best time to take it.
ii will try your suggestions and as far as the GABA making you eat more perfect i hope it does
I botched the same with melatonin. Sex before melatonin not after. It is horrible. I’m trying this again very soon
Side note: prostrate is WORKING AGAIN. 2 months of 250mg erythromycin 4 times a day and lots of supplements to reduce DHT, hurray.
Please explain further…
Sorry for the delay, traveling.
I’ve had prostatitis on and off several times. When the prostrate gets inflamed fluid production goes down. This means seminal fluid is reduced and very viscous. Things have changed for the better, seminal fluid has increased.
So that’s an antibiotic correct? So was it an infection?
Just a definition for later …
Delayed ejaculation and anorgasmia, defined as persistent or recurrent delay, difficulty, or absence of orgasm after sufficient sexual stimulation that causes personal distress, occurs in 2%-11% of men. These conditions are in part due to an imbalance between excitatory (dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine) and inhibitory (prolactin, serotonin) neurohormones.
The best supported medications include bupropion, cabergoline, oxytocin, cyproheptadine, and yohimbine. Even so, evidence supporting these drugs is primarily limited to underpowered, retrospective studies.
Other notes …
Serotonin helps regulate sleep, appetite, and mood and inhibits pain. Research supports the idea that some depressed people have reduced serotonin transmission.
Dopamine is essential to movement. It also influences motivation and plays a role in how a person perceives reality. … It’s also involved in the brain’s reward system, …
@traveling-man I have issues where it takes forever to finish. I told my urologist, he prescribed cabergoline… But after reading about it here, I didn’t like what I read, so haven’t taken it yet.
Have you ever tried cabergoline?
No, I have not tried it … interesting overall article here about different treatment options. There are also dozens of threads on it here on t-nation, but I haven’t taken the time.
I get the theory behind it affecting dopamine. I am still waiting for my dopamine test results to see where i stand naturally. My serotonin was top end of the scale.
I have been doing more reading, and for delayed ejaculation cases that were NOT caused by SSRI drugs, cabergoline is the FIRST choice of treatment. Second choice was oxytocin.
I have just updated my journey with the results of my dopamine and serotonin blood tests looking for any ties to my mild anorgasmia.