Different Booze, Different Drunk?

Vodka makes me angry and disorientated

Scotch makes me alpha and horny as fuck

Bourbon makes me bloated and lethargic

Beer makes me tired and lazy

Here’s my input from a bartender’s perspective. Over the course of my bartending career, I’ve personally served several of my regular customers different varieties of spirits, wines or beers and HAVE observed different results/behaviors. I’m thinking of one customer in particular who would order beer when he was depressed, but order Vodka Martinis when he was on the prowl. He exhibited different social behaviors with each spirit BUT, it was more the mood he was in.

HOWEVER, I think, as has already been alluded to, that it’s more than JUST alcohol content that accounts for the differences. I have another friend who absolutely CANNOT tolerate the tannins in red wine, but is fine with white wine. There is also the factor of mood. I see this as the primary factor. People fall into patterns and associate different drinks with each pattern.

Way back in my clubbing days my drink was Vodka and Tonic or Vodka and Red Bull. When I’m having a deep conversation with one of my older friends, it’s Scotch. At parties or social events when I’m trying to keep my brain working somewhat intelligently, it’s wine or beer. Is it the ALCOHOL affecting me in different ways, or is it my environment, intention and pace/quantity?

I would gladly volunteer to participate in a study… :slight_smile:

With brewing spirits ethanol and methanol alcohol can be produced also components of the distillate contain flavour compounds such as ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate (heads) as well as the fusel oils (tails). This can effect the flavors and effects of the alcohol. This can be why some alcohols have a different feel to them cause your drinking more of the impurities.

With beer and wine you take sugars …grain/grape and add yeast wait and drink …simpley put

With spirits you do the same as the above and then heat it and collect the vapors or alcohol …

Collect too much from the start of the run you get lots of head … and if you keep to much of the end you get lots of tail. Impurities you don’t want and other types of alcohol.

Some grain spirits have certain recipes for how they are made that are used in herbal medicines. For example some vodkas use St John’s Wart.

So some beer/wines can have different low amounts of yeast produced alcohol ethanol and methanol combines with grain sugars effecting absorption into the blood stream. Same thing with spirits but in greater concentrations. So the run needs to be perfected. Also the end products or secret ingredients are sometimes herbal meds.

This could be why you might feel a different drunk from the alcohols you are consuming. Combine with environment and how much food you have in your stomach at the time gives your the results your talking about.

Just my 2 cents

[quote]angry chicken wrote:
Here’s my input from a bartender’s perspective. Over the course of my bartending career, I’ve personally served several of my regular customers different varieties of spirits, wines or beers and HAVE observed different results/behaviors. I’m thinking of one customer in particular who would order beer when he was depressed, but order Vodka Martinis when he was on the prowl. He exhibited different social behaviors with each spirit BUT, it was more the mood he was in.

The last sentence of this paragraph is most likely correct. He likely ordered drinks by his mood, the drinks themselves didn’t cause his mood.

Occam’s razor.

I don’t experience headaches when I stick to the one type of alcohol. Lately it’s red wine. I’ve drank quite a bit for special occasions and not felt immensely hungry or hungover the day after. Nowadays I only drink for special occasions (weddings, celebrations etc.) and always in a group.

Beer just makes me lethargic and no fun.

Vodka gives me the worst headaches whether I was mixing it or not.

I’m not a fan of whiskey, always found it too sweet, maybe it’s an acquired taste.

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
This thread reminds me of an Adam Sandler skit years ago where some dude was convincing his friends how fucked up he was but everything they gave him was fake. I wish I could remember the name.[/quote]

I’m trying to think of an old SNL skit on the news segment where the comedian likens each drink to entering a party and which drink “gets along” with other drink…that is until whiskey and tequila come along. To lazy to search for it.

[quote]Stern wrote:

Rum makes me argumentative, apparently, I prefer to think that people just try to wind me up. :stuck_out_tongue:



J/K. lol

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
Of course different drugs give different effects but alcohol is the same drug as alcohol. This is silly.[/quote]

Which would be fine if it was JUST alcohol (ethanol) in the drink, but that’s not the case. Different congeners and other organic compounds mean that each different brand of even the same drink may have subtly different (or not so subtle) effects…


That’s essentially what I said but was virtually ignored by the intellectually powerful “alcohol is alcohol is alcohol” argument.

This. Also the weight and body composition of the drinker also affects the absorption of Ethanol into their system. Thus some can “drink others under the table” and some “are anyone’s after one drink”. How you “feel” after certain alcohol is totally subjective. Also variations in the same “type” of alcohol have markedly different effects.

I think many of us have noticed that beer can make us lethargic unless you get up and do something.

Nyquil makes me waaaay sleepier than beer, I can tell you that. And there isn’t even much alcohol in one of those little measured shots! Pretty wild stuff.

[quote]dirtbag wrote:
With brewing spirits ethanol and methanol alcohol can be produced also components of the distillate contain flavour compounds such as ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate (heads) as well as the fusel oils (tails). This can effect the flavors and effects of the alcohol. This can be why some alcohols have a different feel to them cause your drinking more of the impurities.

With beer and wine you take sugars …grain/grape and add yeast wait and drink …simpley put

With spirits you do the same as the above and then heat it and collect the vapors or alcohol …

Collect too much from the start of the run you get lots of head … and if you keep to much of the end you get lots of tail. Impurities you don’t want and other types of alcohol.

Some grain spirits have certain recipes for how they are made that are used in herbal medicines. For example some vodkas use St John’s Wart.

So some beer/wines can have different low amounts of yeast produced alcohol ethanol and methanol combines with grain sugars effecting absorption into the blood stream. Same thing with spirits but in greater concentrations. So the run needs to be perfected. Also the end products or secret ingredients are sometimes herbal meds.

This could be why you might feel a different drunk from the alcohols you are consuming. Combine with environment and how much food you have in your stomach at the time gives your the results your talking about.

Just my 2 cents

What do you do for a living, dirtbag?

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
This thread reminds me of an Adam Sandler skit years ago where some dude was convincing his friends how fucked up he was but everything they gave him was fake. I wish I could remember the name.[/quote]

I’m trying to think of an old SNL skit on the news segment where the comedian likens each drink to entering a party and which drink “gets along” with other drink…that is until whiskey and tequila come along. To lazy to search for it.[/quote]

It was Jim Breuer. It wasn’t on SNL but during a stand-up he did for Comedy Central, IIRC, with cut scenes depicting some of his act. Tequila was the last “person” to enter the party, and he makes the joke about how “he” never comes alone but always in a big group, then the party gets too rowdy and the bouncer tells everyone to get out the way they came in, etc., etc. First time I saw that I was laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]Stern wrote:

Rum makes me argumentative, apparently, I prefer to think that people just try to wind me up. :stuck_out_tongue:



J/K. lol[/quote]

Hey I’d love to have been a pirate.

I think.

At least the romanticized version of pirates we know and love. Like Walter Matthau pirate!

[quote]CC wrote:

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
This thread reminds me of an Adam Sandler skit years ago where some dude was convincing his friends how fucked up he was but everything they gave him was fake. I wish I could remember the name.[/quote]

I’m trying to think of an old SNL skit on the news segment where the comedian likens each drink to entering a party and which drink “gets along” with other drink…that is until whiskey and tequila come along. To lazy to search for it.[/quote]

It was Jim Breuer. It wasn’t on SNL but during a stand-up he did for Comedy Central, IIRC, with cut scenes depicting some of his act. Tequila was the last “person” to enter the party, and he makes the joke about how “he” never comes alone but always in a big group, then the party gets too rowdy and the bouncer tells everyone to get out the way they came in, etc., etc. First time I saw that I was laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.
[/quote]that’s the one. The goat was pretty funny too.

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:

[quote]CC wrote:

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
This thread reminds me of an Adam Sandler skit years ago where some dude was convincing his friends how fucked up he was but everything they gave him was fake. I wish I could remember the name.[/quote]

I’m trying to think of an old SNL skit on the news segment where the comedian likens each drink to entering a party and which drink “gets along” with other drink…that is until whiskey and tequila come along. To lazy to search for it.[/quote]

It was Jim Breuer. It wasn’t on SNL but during a stand-up he did for Comedy Central, IIRC, with cut scenes depicting some of his act. Tequila was the last “person” to enter the party, and he makes the joke about how “he” never comes alone but always in a big group, then the party gets too rowdy and the bouncer tells everyone to get out the way they came in, etc., etc. First time I saw that I was laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.
[/quote]that’s the one. The goat was pretty funny too.

I don’t know why my edit didn’t go through, but HoustonGuy I also answered you. It said something to this effect:

[i]"Oh and, HoustonGuy, you’re referring to a track on Adam Sandler’s ‘They’re All Gonna Laugh At You’ CD. The whole CD is an absolute classic, still frequently quoted by me and my friends.

Yes, I know my 90’s SNL comedians very well."[/i]

[quote]CC wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:

[quote]CC wrote:

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
This thread reminds me of an Adam Sandler skit years ago where some dude was convincing his friends how fucked up he was but everything they gave him was fake. I wish I could remember the name.[/quote]

I’m trying to think of an old SNL skit on the news segment where the comedian likens each drink to entering a party and which drink “gets along” with other drink…that is until whiskey and tequila come along. To lazy to search for it.[/quote]

It was Jim Breuer. It wasn’t on SNL but during a stand-up he did for Comedy Central, IIRC, with cut scenes depicting some of his act. Tequila was the last “person” to enter the party, and he makes the joke about how “he” never comes alone but always in a big group, then the party gets too rowdy and the bouncer tells everyone to get out the way they came in, etc., etc. First time I saw that I was laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.
[/quote]that’s the one. The goat was pretty funny too.

I don’t know why my edit didn’t go through, but HoustonGuy I also answered you. It said something to this effect:

[i]"Oh and, HoustonGuy, you’re referring to a track on Adam Sandler’s ‘They’re All Gonna Laugh At You’ CD. The whole CD is an absolute classic, still frequently quoted by me and my friends.

Yes, I know my 90’s SNL comedians very well."[/i]
Yeah, that’s weird, it was there.

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:

[quote]CC wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:

[quote]CC wrote:

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
This thread reminds me of an Adam Sandler skit years ago where some dude was convincing his friends how fucked up he was but everything they gave him was fake. I wish I could remember the name.[/quote]

I’m trying to think of an old SNL skit on the news segment where the comedian likens each drink to entering a party and which drink “gets along” with other drink…that is until whiskey and tequila come along. To lazy to search for it.[/quote]

It was Jim Breuer. It wasn’t on SNL but during a stand-up he did for Comedy Central, IIRC, with cut scenes depicting some of his act. Tequila was the last “person” to enter the party, and he makes the joke about how “he” never comes alone but always in a big group, then the party gets too rowdy and the bouncer tells everyone to get out the way they came in, etc., etc. First time I saw that I was laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.
[/quote]that’s the one. The goat was pretty funny too.

I don’t know why my edit didn’t go through, but HoustonGuy I also answered you. It said something to this effect:

[i]"Oh and, HoustonGuy, you’re referring to a track on Adam Sandler’s ‘They’re All Gonna Laugh At You’ CD. The whole CD is an absolute classic, still frequently quoted by me and my friends.

Yes, I know my 90’s SNL comedians very well."[/i]
Yeah, that’s weird, it was there.[/quote]

I’ve noticed over the past week that posts get a little screwy around about this time of the day. Don’t know if it’s the influx of posts coming from your side of the pond as people wake up and hit work.

and by work I mean browsing forums of course ;p

[quote]Nards wrote:
Just wondering if it’s a myth or not that different drinks make you feel different. Like wine drunk and beer drunk and vodka etc.

I’m leaning toward it being a myth, but would like to hear from you guys.

Maybe the different feeling comes from the situation. I’ll drink beer on a hot day after exercise, thus my mind may be in a more light-hearted mood. Not that I’m all somber and moody when I have whiskey, but I’m more apt to have whiskey on a Wednesday or Thursday night sitting at home.
And I’m not talking about getting shit-faced.

PS: I’ll leave with this joke:

Why didn’t Hitler drink vodka?

It made him all mean.[/quote]
I found that drinking whiskey alone puts me in a mood but i rarely blackout, but for whatever reason whenever i have whiskey and an eightball, i get really angry blackout drunk and usually fight with cops. go figure.

[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:

[quote]dirtbag wrote:
With brewing spirits ethanol and methanol alcohol can be produced also components of the distillate contain flavour compounds such as ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate (heads) as well as the fusel oils (tails). This can effect the flavors and effects of the alcohol. This can be why some alcohols have a different feel to them cause your drinking more of the impurities.

With beer and wine you take sugars …grain/grape and add yeast wait and drink …simpley put

With spirits you do the same as the above and then heat it and collect the vapors or alcohol …

Collect too much from the start of the run you get lots of head … and if you keep to much of the end you get lots of tail. Impurities you don’t want and other types of alcohol.

Some grain spirits have certain recipes for how they are made that are used in herbal medicines. For example some vodkas use St John’s Wart.

So some beer/wines can have different low amounts of yeast produced alcohol ethanol and methanol combines with grain sugars effecting absorption into the blood stream. Same thing with spirits but in greater concentrations. So the run needs to be perfected. Also the end products or secret ingredients are sometimes herbal meds.

This could be why you might feel a different drunk from the alcohols you are consuming. Combine with environment and how much food you have in your stomach at the time gives your the results your talking about.

Just my 2 cents

What do you do for a living, dirtbag?[/quote]

I am in the IT field

I know a errrrm a “guy” that makes booze. Its not hard.