[quote]pushharder wrote:
I’ve said it many times…tequila makes my clothes fall off. Really.
Whiskey makes me mellow.
Beer makes me tired.[/quote]
Pretty much my experience of drink as well. Beer makes me tired but if I fight through it and keep drinking I’ll eventually become sober again. Or so I think lol.
Wine gives me an awful headache, particularly white.
Whiskey makes me sombre.
Rum makes me argumentative, apparently, I prefer to think that people just try to wind me up.
Yea, I don’t do ‘drinking’ very well which is why I rarely go near the stuff.
[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
I’ve found this to be true.
I think it may have to do with the percent differences, and purities. With the differences in percent, I think(and I may be wrong on this) that because beverages with lower alcohol percentages will have more water, that they don’t ‘dry’ you out as much as harder stuff may.
For me, wine is the perfect blend. Nice conversational buzz, little-to-no hang over unless I overindulge.[/quote]
I found the opposite of this to be true for myself. I might even go so far as to say I’m allergic to something in wine and beer, because I can have one drink of either and be hung over the next day. On the other hand, I can have several liquor-based drinks and be fine.
I’ve never been hung over off of tequila and never experienced the “craziness” other people always talk about regarding it. It’s pretty much the perfect drink, imo. Also, you feel it right away; it’s not a creeper, which is perfect for someone like me who doesn’t drink much but wants to feel a little buzzed.
[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
I’ve found this to be true.
I think it may have to do with the percent differences, and purities. With the differences in percent, I think(and I may be wrong on this) that because beverages with lower alcohol percentages will have more water, that they don’t ‘dry’ you out as much as harder stuff may.
For me, wine is the perfect blend. Nice conversational buzz, little-to-no hang over unless I overindulge.[/quote]
I found the opposite of this to be true for myself. I might even go so far as to say I’m allergic to something in wine and beer, because I can have one drink of either and be hung over the next day. On the other hand, I can have several liquor-based drinks and be fine.
I’ve never been hung over off of tequila and never experienced the “craziness” other people always talk about regarding it. It’s pretty much the perfect drink, imo. Also, you feel it right away; it’s not a creeper, which is perfect for someone like me who doesn’t drink much but wants to feel a little buzzed.[/quote]
Sulfite allergy is a possibility.
Also, the tannins in wine can cause adverse reactions in certain people.
I think it’s a myth, who you are when you’re drunk is just who you are, certain drinks or alcohol just makes you drunk quicker or more drunk than usual which might make you think you’re different because of the booze and not BAC
I know liquor definitely affects me differently that beer. Using the old “one 12 oz. beer = one 2 oz. shot = one 4 (?; I think that’s right) oz. glass of wine” measuring scale, four 12 oz. beers make me feel entirely different from four 4 oz. shots, for example. I tend to stay away from wine these days (gives me a raging headache in the morning), save for a glass of red here and there with dinner.
[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
I’ve found this to be true.
I think it may have to do with the percent differences, and purities. With the differences in percent, I think(and I may be wrong on this) that because beverages with lower alcohol percentages will have more water, that they don’t ‘dry’ you out as much as harder stuff may.
For me, wine is the perfect blend. Nice conversational buzz, little-to-no hang over unless I overindulge.[/quote]
I found the opposite of this to be true for myself. I might even go so far as to say I’m allergic to something in wine and beer, because I can have one drink of either and be hung over the next day. On the other hand, I can have several liquor-based drinks and be fine.
I’ve never been hung over off of tequila and never experienced the “craziness” other people always talk about regarding it. It’s pretty much the perfect drink, imo. Also, you feel it right away; it’s not a creeper, which is perfect for someone like me who doesn’t drink much but wants to feel a little buzzed.[/quote]
You could be allergic to sulphites. My cousin is, and he can’t eat any non-fresh fruiit.
You name it, i’ve drank it… with the exception of wine. And, I can’t say that i’ve noticed any correlation in behavior between one type of alcohol and another. But, that’s just me.
But, who am I to say that it doesn’t have a different effect on someone else? How do you prove it either way?
[quote]CC wrote:
I know liquor definitely affects me differently that beer. Using the old “one 12 oz. beer = one 2 oz. shot = one 4 (?; I think that’s right) oz. glass of wine” measuring scale, four 12 oz. beers make me feel entirely different from four 4 oz. shots, for example. I tend to stay away from wine these days (gives me a raging headache in the morning), save for a glass of red here and there with dinner.[/quote]
Do you shotgun the four beers?
[quote]CC wrote:
I know liquor definitely affects me differently that beer. Using the old “one 12 oz. beer = one 2 oz. shot = one 4 (?; I think that’s right) oz. glass of wine” measuring scale, four 12 oz. beers make me feel entirely different from four 4 oz. shots, for example. I tend to stay away from wine these days (gives me a raging headache in the morning), save for a glass of red here and there with dinner.[/quote]
Do you shotgun the four beers?
[quote]CC wrote:
I know liquor definitely affects me differently that beer. Using the old “one 12 oz. beer = one 2 oz. shot = one 4 (?; I think that’s right) oz. glass of wine” measuring scale, four 12 oz. beers make me feel entirely different from four 4 oz. shots, for example. I tend to stay away from wine these days (gives me a raging headache in the morning), save for a glass of red here and there with dinner.[/quote]
Do you shotgun the four beers?
Makes a huge difference.[/quote]
IV or Enema [/quote]
You must party!
I just poke holes in the back of the can for a smooth pour and chug.
[quote]HoustonGuy wrote:
Of course different drugs give different effects but alcohol is the same drug as alcohol. This is silly.[/quote]
Not necessarily so. Different distillates and fermented products have different compounds, i.e., toxins and those toxins affect people in different manners.[/quote]
This. different by-products of the different grains and distilling processes elicit different reactions.
[quote]CC wrote:
I know liquor definitely affects me differently that beer. Using the old “one 12 oz. beer = one 2 oz. shot = one 4 (?; I think that’s right) oz. glass of wine” measuring scale, four 12 oz. beers make me feel entirely different from four 4 oz. shots, for example. I tend to stay away from wine these days (gives me a raging headache in the morning), save for a glass of red here and there with dinner.[/quote]
Do you shotgun the four beers?
Makes a huge difference.[/quote]
Sorry, for taking so long to respond; I just now saw this.
I should have been more clear. I only used the word “shot” in reference to the measuring scale I mentioned. I rarely, if ever, do shots. This is especially true regarding good whiskey (being from Kentucky, I generally drink a good bourbon). I think shots are a waste, and I prefer my bourbon like a real man: neat. I sip on it over a long period of time.
So, with that being said, I still stand by my original statement: I feel differently between the two. I’m not telling anyone else they are wrong for not feeling the same. It may simply be a matter of perception. But my perception between the two is different, real or imagined.
By the way, I was kidding with the “bourbon like a real man” comment. Maybe.
[quote]Nards wrote:
Just wondering if it’s a myth or not that different drinks make you feel different. Like wine drunk and beer drunk and vodka etc.
I’m leaning toward it being a myth, but would like to hear from you guys.
Maybe the different feeling comes from the situation. I’ll drink beer on a hot day after exercise, thus my mind may be in a more light-hearted mood. Not that I’m all somber and moody when I have whiskey, but I’m more apt to have whiskey on a Wednesday or Thursday night sitting at home.
And I’m not talking about getting shit-faced.
PS: I’ll leave with this joke:
Why didn’t Hitler drink vodka?
It made him all mean.[/quote]
i heard he only drank vodka if it was mixed with orange jews