Diet/Protein Tips?

Hey guys I just started (or should I attempted) To eat better and healthier; I am getting a gym this month and I want to be able to jump right in head first but first I want a proper diet. I currently eat just whatever for Breakfast, A chef salad with a bottle of water for Lunch, usually a snack like pasta or something when I get home, finally tuna sandwiches for dinner. Any tips are greatly appreciated I am tired of being a scrawny little 16 year old.

Read articles or do a search. All the cool kids are doin’ it.

Fetuses…it’s all about the fetuses

Eat only whole foods(for the most part)
Every time you eat, consume the following:
A serving of lean protein
A serving of vegetables
A serving of fruit
A serving of healthy fat

How much is a serving? That depends on your goals and current state.

Not to start any kind of rant, but you’re 16 and your username is “Nobama.” Seriously? Like, seriously? Okay then.

[quote]Nobama714 wrote:
Any tips are greatly appreciated I am tired of being a scrawny little 16 year old.[/quote]
Listen and absorb everything MattyG said. Simple guidelines are best for now.

According to your profile info, you’re 5’7", 140 pounds, and “21.9% bodyfat.” How in the world to you come up with that bodyfat percentage?

If it was a handheld machine, they’re notoriously inaccurate. If someone used calipers, they can be inaccurate depending on the person taking the measurement. I suggest you forget everything about bodyfat percentages and concentrate on reliable tape measurements, photos, and how clothes are fitting.

Starting today, get on this basic routine, which I believe is a great start for younger guys:
Mon., Wed., and Fri.
Squat 2x15 (No weight, keep both feet flat on the floor.)
Push-up 2x15 (On your toes, go until the chest almost touches the floor.)
Lunge 2x15 (Alternate legs, 1 rep left/1 rep right.)
Neutral-grip pull-up 2x15 (assisted if necessary. Try to find beams/monkey bars/tree branch/something. Could be substituted with inverted rows.)
Plank 2x15-count (Hold the top part of a push-up, on the toes, arms straight, keep the whole body straight. Count to 15.)
Burpee/squat thrust 2x15

By the time that whole workout is easy, you’ll be ready to start using the gym.