I’m 39 y.o.
Weight: 93 kg
Height: 183 cm
BodyFat: ~18
Waist: 34-35 inches
Lift weights 3-4 times a week (primary-strength)
Protein and fat sources: kefir, eggs, meat, cheese, nuts, lentils etc.
Carbo sorces: various vegetables, oats, buckwheet etc.
Always tired, some depression, little motivation, mind fog, low sleep quality. No problems with libido.
Visited 2 urologists, 1st wants to put me on Sustanon 250ml/ 3 weeks, no AI, no Anti-Es, told me, body will balance everything by itself, 2nd- wanted me to try tribulus, I disagreed, so he told me to inject sustanon like 1st said and see how will I feel, if it feels great then he would prescribe Clomid, no AI. I’m meeting endocrinologist next month.
My blood stats:
RBC 5.58 10^12/l ref. 4.57 - 5.98
HGB 160 g/l ref.139 - 177
HCT 47.2 % ref. 39.6 - 51.8
PRL 141.0 μIU/ml ref. 45 - 375
SHBG 15.68 nmol/l ref. 14.55 - 94.64
FSH 4.02 U/l ref. 1.4 - 18.1
LH 2.30 U/l ref. 0 - 6
TTE 7.81 nmol/l ref. 5.72 - 26.14
E2 89.54 pmol/l ref. 0 - 146.1
PSA 0.55 ng/ml ref. 0 - 146.1
Thyroid profile:
T3 1.54 nmol/l ref. 0.92 - 2.79
T4 7.6 ug/dl ref. 4.5 - 10.90
FT3 4.87 pmol/l ref. 0.92 - 6.50
FT4 16.56 pmol/l ref.11.50 - 22.70
Lipid profile:
CHOL 4.5 mmol/l
HDL (DTL) 1.04 mmol/l
LDL (MTL) 2.93 mmol/l
TG 2.10 mmol/l
Liver stats:
ALT 38 U/l (x0.0167=μkat/l) ref. 16 - 63
AST 19 U/l (x0.0167=μkat/l) ref. 15 - 37
BIL-T 8 mol/l ref.< 17
BIL-D 2 mol/l ref. < 9
BIL-I 6 mol/l ref. < 14
CRB C mg/l 0.58 ref. <5.00
Insulin non-fasted: mU/l 15.7 ref. 3.00 - 25.00
Insulin fasted: mU/l 9.10 ref. 3.00 - 25.00
HbA1c % 5.14 ref. 4.80-6.00 non-diabetes;
6.10-8.00 controlled diabetes;
8.10-20.00 uncontrolled diabetes
HbA1c mmol/mol 32.50 ref. 20.00-42.00
CORT(morning) nmol/l 514.6 ref. 118.6-618.0