You need to seek private care because few doctors world wide are skilled at diagnosing a testosterone deficiency, in the world of hormones in ranges doesn’t mean you won’t have symptoms.
Doctors are mostly idiots and critical thinking and analytical thought does not seem to be needed to practice medicine, for those doctors, “in range” is normal and “out of range” isn’t.
Your Free T is in a range of someone much older, an elderly man to be precise and you doctor has failed at a most basic level of understanding. Your high SHBG is making your midrange Total T look better than it really is, what’s going on is your Free T is being siphoned by your high SHBG therefore inflating what really is low testosterone which is confirmed by low normal LH. If you were able to take a magic pill and cut your SHBG is half, your Free T would increase and Total T would landing you in lower range.
A lot of incompetent doctors would classify you as normal for the fact that Total T is within the normal range, but your Free T is hovering above and below range probably trading places every couple of days. You need Free T to be high normal 24/7 to see symptoms melt away.
Something you need to understand about managed healthcare, do to zero knowledge, doctors are taught to treat the reference ranges and ignore symptoms, in range is normal therefore treatment isn’t necessary. Beyond in range or out of range, you doctor knows nothing!
The problem with these ranges is they don’t account for age, doctors believe it’s alright for a 35 year old man to have the same levels as an 80 year, all it takes is critical thinking and analytical thought to figure out this is not alright for younger men to have the same testosterone as an old man.
What’s going on here behind your back is according to your insurance, you don’t qualify for TRT do to being “in range”, representing a transparent desire on the part of the insurance companies to deny treatment and thereby reduce costs.
Insurance companies wield all the power for when doctor can take action, doctors has no say so whether or not you get treatment, that’s why the reference ranges exist.