Im currently 19, 225pounds, 5’11, I’ve trained for 4.5 years. Daily protein intake is 450g and im confident in saying my diet is very good, and my training is always intense.
I’ve been interested in steroids for a while and i’ve been researching it for about 1.5 years. Even though stacking with test-e seems to be a more effective way of building muscle on a cycle, i want to try this dbol only cycle first.
Well, it is certainly doable, but I don’t get the logic of waiting till week 3 to start the Nolvadex, or the going up in dose and then back down.
If 4 tabs per day of Dianabol is the level that you aspire to – which for most won’t do much but for some people actually it can do quite a bit – then why not run that from start to finish.
It is not as if your body needs to ease and edge its way up to this dose, or edge its way back down from it. Actually that isn’t the case for any suitable dose of androgen.
[quote]Ivanko10 wrote:
I know this is not the ideal first steroid cycle to use, but this is the cycle i want to try when i turn 20. some feedback would be much appreciated:
Im currently 19, 225pounds, 5’11, I’ve trained for 4.5 years. Daily protein intake is 450g and im confident in saying my diet is very good, and my training is always intense.
I’ve been interested in steroids for a while and i’ve been researching it for about 1.5 years. Even though stacking with test-e seems to be a more effective way of building muscle on a cycle, i want to try this dbol only cycle first.
Again any feedback would be very appreciated.
Hi, aren’t you a little too young to be taking steroids? Your body is still producing a lot of its own Testosterone at the age of 20 (or am I wrong about that?)…
Well, it’s also still producing a lot at 25 or at 30 or in many cases 35 or 40 or even more. So having that as the criterion would be rather restrictive.
For that matter, I’ve seen a study showing that on average T levels are higher in 25 year olds than for younger ages.
(I know there’s a popular myth that teens must have incredible T levels, but it’s just that, a myth.)
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Well, it is certainly doable, but I don’t get the logic of waiting till week 3 to start the Nolvadex, or the going up in dose and then back down.
If 4 tabs per day of Dianabol is the level that you aspire to – which for most won’t do much but for some people actually it can do quite a bit – then why not run that from start to finish.
It is not as if your body needs to ease and edge its way up to this dose, or edge its way back down from it. Actually that isn’t the case for any suitable dose of androgen.[/quote]
Thats a typo - that 1 tab a day in week 6 should be under the nolvadex category. I will finish the dianabol in week 5 and take nlovadex for one more week. Why do say i shouldnt wait until week three to start the nolvadex? should i start that from week one?
Sorry that was a typo - the “1 tab/day” in week 6 should be under the nolvadex category. I will finish the dbol on week 5 (at 4 tabs/day) and continue taking nolvadex for one more week until week 7. Why do you say i shouldn’t wait until week 3 to start the nolvadex? Should i start this from week one?
There is no purpose that can be served by Nolvadex during weeks 3 and onward of the cycle that won’t also be served if used during the first couple of weeks.
Namely, if you happen to be an individual that would get gyno on this modest amount of Dianabol (not impossible if having no previous experience showing tolerance) then it ought to be used in weeks 1 and 2 as well.
Or if the purpose is that it’s likely that some testosterone production will continue during this cycle due to the modest dose and the Nolvadex will aid this, again, why not have that benefit in weeks 1 and 2 as well.
Curiosity question regarding your statements: I DO get gyno and stage II hypertension at day four (yes, day four!) of 40 mg dbol/day (thai yellow 10mg). Is there maybe so much weaker-than-advertised UGL product around that higher dosages tend to be used and thrown around, or am I just maybe a hyper-sensitive individual?
the only way it is remotely worth it is you have a shot at playing pro ball.
you will basically need some type life long support once you start down that path so think long and hard about it.
dianabol is tough on the liver and other organs, if i did anything at 20 it would be HGH alone. [/quote]
Lots of conjecture and scare tactics in that post.
I agree that 20 is young and it’s not the age I recommend. But youre overblowing the potential negatives. And if youre doing it purposely in attempt to scare someone away from using that’s worse than preaching out of ignorance.
Bill, thanks for the reply - is there anything you would alter to this cycle in terms of dosage or length of the cycle?
Also in your opinion, when do you think is the best time to take the dianabol? From what i’ve read some feel its more productive taking a daily dosage all at once, others say spreading it out across the day is better. I’ve also read that taking the dianbol tablet in the evening is not good because of the natural testosterone levels being produced the most during sleep periods. What are your thoughts on this?
Lots of conjecture and scare tactics in that post.
I agree that 20 is young and it’s not the age I recommend. But youre overblowing the potential negatives. And if youre doing it purposely in attempt to scare someone away from using that’s worse than preaching out of ignorance. [/quote]
When do you think is a good age to start this cycle? This cycle is considered to be a low dosage of dianabol - do you think that because this cycle is a low dose do you think that age is less of a factor, or is the dosage irrelevant in relation to age?
Curiosity question regarding your statements: I DO get gyno and stage II hypertension at day four (yes, day four!) of 40 mg dbol/day (thai yellow 10mg). Is there maybe so much weaker-than-advertised UGL product around that higher dosages tend to be used and thrown around, or am I just maybe a hyper-sensitive individual? [/quote]
You are sensitive to it.
The rather common value of 50 mg/day was well established before underground products became the norm.
By the way it’s relatively easy to determine the weight of steroid in tablets: Crush and dissolve in acetone (the filler will not dissolve), filter, and allow the filtrate to dry. While it would be possible to add an adulterant that would show up as weight in this process, since this is not a commonly performed test I don’t think this generally is done. If the tablets are underdosed and don’t have such an adulterant, the acetone-soluble fraction will be underweight.
So it’s not proof of correct dosing, but can prove underdosing.
the only way it is remotely worth it is you have a shot at playing pro ball.
you will basically need some type life long support once you start down that path so think long and hard about it.
dianabol is tough on the liver and other organs, if i did anything at 20 it would be HGH alone. [/quote]
Lots of conjecture and scare tactics in that post.
I agree that 20 is young and it’s not the age I recommend. But youre overblowing the potential negatives. And if youre doing it purposely in attempt to scare someone away from using that’s worse than preaching out of ignorance. [/quote]
When do you think is a good age to start this cycle? This cycle is considered to be a low dosage of dianabol - do you think that because this cycle is a low dose do you think that age is less of a factor, or is the dosage irrelevant in relation to age?
I dont think you should ever start THAT cycle. Low-ish dose of dianabol with no support from a class I steroid is a waste of money IMO. You’ll have some fun in the gym for a few weeks but that’s really all the results I’d expect from what you want to do.
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
I dont think you should ever start THAT cycle. Low-ish dose of dianabol with no support from a class I steroid is a waste of money IMO. You’ll have some fun in the gym for a few weeks but that’s really all the results I’d expect from what you want to do. [/quote]
How much of the gains would i keep after the cycle?