We didn’t even burn the city down. Take that Kimmel!
If you watched the finals at all or listened to the national media coverage of the finals you’d think the Lakers were playing the Lakers in the Championship Series. Evidently that’s not the case. Pistons came to claim their rightful place as the Champions of the world.
Memo to Al Michaels and Doc Rivers. DETROIT WAS ALSO IN THE SERIES and just a side note THEY WON!!!
On the other hand…we [Detroiters and all Michiganders for that matter] don’t need your approval or congratulations. We are hard-nosed people who work for everything we have and our athletic teams exemplify that.
Yeah that was great. I loved seeing them humiliate the Lakers. I thought ABC’s coverage was horrible and very one sided (towards the Lakers). Even at the end of the game last night when they were showing highlights of the finals most of them were of L.A. players even though they played like shit the whole series.
thats right baby stones all the way…hands down i think the best moment int he series was the close up shots of the lakers on the bench in game 5 what a bunch of bitches…btw i have lost almost all respect i ever had for Al (i like blowing LA) michaels…what a one sided piece of shit when the pistons won the 3rd game i almost put my head through the wall when he said wel at least they have gurenteed a game six…what a fuckin worm
Just as bad as Al Michaels was David Stern. He was kissing the Lakers’ ass after they LOST! We all know everyone in the media and the league offices wanted the Lakers to win it all. I’m so glad they didn’t, as Detroit was the better TEAM. It’s sad because I used to be a huge Laker fan in the 80’s-90’s, but I’ve grown tired of all the bullshit surrounding that franchise.
ESPN, too, after the game, all they could talk about was “What happens to the Lakers now?” “What does Kobe/Shaq/Phil/Malone/Payton do now?” While those are legitimate questions, ESPN should’ve devoted more time to celebrating the Pistons for their accomplishment.
This is one of the biggest upsets in recent NBA history, as no one gave Detroit a shot at winning the title. I, for one, am glad they did and hopefully their win will freshen up the NBA.
ABC pulled a bitch ass move by not showing the player announcements after the National Anthem (fully lipsinked). Those corporate whores bluggened us with commercials as 22,000 fans erupted in the Palace when Mason called out the starters for both teams. Just another example of “The Man” holding a brotha down.
Got National Security Concerns??? Vote Wallace and Wallace in Nov 04 for all your Defensive needs…OUT
ABC pulled a bitch ass move by not showing the player announcements after the National Anthem (fully lipsinked). Those corporate whores bluggened us with commercials as 22,000 fans erupted in the Palace when Mason called out the starters for both teams. Just another example of “The Man” holding a brotha down.
Got National Security Concerns??? Vote Wallace and Wallace in Nov 04 for all your Defensive needs…OUT[/quote]
Are you kidding me? The Man holding a brotha down? Quit your whining about the man holding you down!
I am a Lakers fan and you guys punked us out so bad, that was an ass beating, and we deserved it. I am so happy you guys did that to us, it should have been four games, I am so digusted with this stupid fucking lakers team. Selfish bastards, old bastards, naiive bastards, too young bastards. watching that game yesterday made me wonder HOW IN THE WORLD DID THE LAKERS GET TO THE FINALS??? i want to dismantle this whole team. i hope kobe gets convicted and goes to prison, i hope we trade shaq for yao, and i hope phil retires. i hope gary takes his whiney bitch ass dick face somewhere else like the clippers and i hope karl malone realize that he sucks dick right now and needs to retire, get rid of everyone else, only keep jamal sampson. oh yeah, HIRE MASON - I FRIGGIN LOVE THAT BLACK DUDE, so much better than our BORING ASS Lawrence Tanner, if u have ever heard the guy, sounds liek a fucking person calling the bingo #s at 90 yeard old and above bingo game. MASON! MASON! MASON! MASON! MASON! MASON! Going to work everyday - what a TYTE SLOGAN. MASON FOR PRESIDENT.
Whoa, lay off Al Michaels a little. Yeah, I agree he was a little one-sided, but cut him some slack. It was his first NBA season and finals.
Besides, it is true that the majority of the media coverage is going to be on the Lakers. The same reason we have to hear about the NFL wanting an LA francise every year. It’s the second largest TV market in the country.
It’s also a soap opera right now in LA. Who’s staying? Who’s leaving? What’s next? I can only imagine the coverage in SoCal right now. I lived out there for most of the season and the sports radio dj’s were all over the Lakers nuts( except Petros Papadakis). I wish i could here Mychal Thompson now; damn he was horrible on the radio.
Not only that, but they did just win 3 championships a couple years ago. That’s the way it is sports. The top teams get the media attention. Jordan’s Bulls got it all throughout the 90’s. The Cowboys were suddenly "America’s Team in the early nineties.
I don’t agree with it, but we are a nation of bandwagon-ers. People like to watch the top teams and the teams with the most drama. Unfortunately for the Pistons they pulled a great upset and got very little credit.
Anyway, i started this reply defending Al Michaels. He is still one of the best in sports and it’s not his fault the entire NBA has an LA bias. He was just feeding to the masses.
On quick question for all you gamblers. I’m just curious, was Detroit favored in any of the games?
I was going to make a betting line joke about the over/under being 150 fires, but a day later I haven’t heard much. It was cool for some of those guys on Detroit to win. Especially Chauncey, and he was the series MVP. I kinda wanted to see Karl Malone win one though. He’s been good and worked hard, but never made it. I couldn’t hear the Detroit announcer too good on TV, but from what I could hear he sounded like a jackass. And I think Philly might might be able to identify with Detroit and the ability to turn a nice, relevant city into a pile.