Destroy to Create!

Holy cow, it changed again!


Did they grab that image from a Myst/Riven game?

Hmmm. Guess T-Nation is going to become 3-D and interactive! An online gym/supplement store where our analogs/icons/avatars can meet, work out, share knowledge.

An on-the-fly version of Poser will create our 3-D images based on the stats we enter, and as our T-Sims work out, they’ll get pumped up. BF% will be accurately portrayed.

Or not.

i am freaking out…the update can’t come fast enough.

One more teaser, Chris?

Very cool graphic, but I’m just anxious to see how big a a change/creation we’re talking about…

That would be fine with me as long as there is plenty of blood and gibs.

looks like a duke nukem scene to me

wondering if I should start downloading every t mag article.

Now that would be BAD ASS on the back of a T-Shirt with the T-Nation Sybol on the left breast area of the shirt!

Damn, APDuncan! You got me all paranoid now. I could see the forums old content going, maybe, but the previous issue articles? I hope not!

I do NOT believe that they will take away anything that is of real value to us.

Mellow out, people! The anticipation is half the fun!

I am LOVing this whole experience: the graphics, the speculation, the teasers. This is going to be WAY better than the Mag-10 blowout news, than T-Jack, than the introduction of Alpha Male and Red Bands, than dropping prices.

(Well, maybe not better than dropping prices. That was truly revolutionary.)

I finally make it into my basement to the computer to take a peek at and I see this…and at the same moment, a loud clap of thunder outside. I have no idea how you guys managed that one, but it was an impressive extra special effect.


If there’s another hint I would really like it to include whether we should back up all the previous issues. I’d do it, but it would take a few hours so it would be very helpful to know whether or not I should.

You can download programs that will download every link off of a page.

That’s what I did with the previous issues page. The program I used is called Website EXtractor, available at HTTP://WWW.INTERNET-SOFT.COM/

Duke-Nukem Forever lives on at T-mag!! hehheh okay only kidding.

Nice graphic though!

IT could even be from HL2…

Let’s see. The image shows an underground scene.
(A T-Nation underground? A Freemason style organization?)

It looks like they are digging out an arm. But it seems to have a hole it the arm, unless I am seeing things. So who are they digging out? A generic T-man? Or does it represent a specific person?

Also where is the path leading to?

Am I reading too much into this?


It’s the bat cave…

Whenever you spot a cell phone in the gym or some guy doing curls in the squat rack or some metrosexual gang intimidating the defenceless hetero, shine the t-symbol in the sky and help will be one the way…

It’s time to fight the crime…

Extreme! And extremely awesome…

Red Kat and Hot-Rox being destroyed in order to create Alpha Male and Red Bands, maybe? Could it be?

My guess is that it is about the proposed website overhaul. I could and have been wrong.