Alright so I’ve started taking ZMA. More sleep, earlier sleep, and more dreams than I can remember since being a child.
My question… can my body become dependent on ZMA for sound sleep? Sort of like sleeping pills?
Alright so I’ve started taking ZMA. More sleep, earlier sleep, and more dreams than I can remember since being a child.
My question… can my body become dependent on ZMA for sound sleep? Sort of like sleeping pills?
doubt it, cause when I run out or forget to take them I sleep just fine.
The only way you’ll become dependent on ZMA is if you like the results.
Use of ZMA doesn’t interrupt any sleep-related feedback loops.
No it won’t become dependant, they have just lost effectiveness with me.
[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
No it won’t become dependant, they have just lost effectiveness with me.
How do minerals lose effectiveness?
It’s more likely that your perception of your sleep has changed.
True…all I noticed is that the first month or two of taking a ZMA product regularly I sleep well. After that it seems that my body has adjusted to it and I’m back where I started before the ZMA.
[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
True…all I noticed is that the first month or two of taking a ZMA product regularly I sleep well. After that it seems that my body has adjusted to it and I’m back where I started before the ZMA.
Then just cycle off for a week.
Thats what I usually do or sometimes a month, doesn’t really matter as long as you give the body a little break. I have no questions about ZMA, I was just answering JFG12’s question on if his body would become dependant on ZMA. And the answer is No it wont, but it might lose it’s effectiveness causing the need to cycle off for a week.
Thanks tho.
Gerdy, it sounds like you previously had a zinc, magnesium, or B6 deficiency (if not all three). The improved sleep felt right after administration is due to this problem being solved. It also allows you to get by on maintenance doses of these micronutrients from diet, whereas before the same amount was not enough to make up for any existing deficiency. Poliquin has commented about this in the past:
Instead of cycling off for a week, one could stop using it until need arose, or take it on training days to help with increased requirements.
thanks for the info Peter Orban. I do take time off of zma when I feel taking it would be a waste of $. You were correct about the deficiency. Before every trying a zma product I looked through my diet and I was deficient in those minerals. Now I watch that more closely and only take a zma product a few months at a time. One could take it year round if they liked but for me it would be pointless because sometimes the added minerals won’t do much for me and it would be a waste of $. I was just answering the OP’s question that he will not become dependant on zma.
thanks for the info tho I appreciate it.