I have been doing a bodypart split for the last year or so but I am looking for a change. I am going to change to something which will give the muscles a hit more frequently. The plan below is a twice weekly Chest/Back and Legs/Shoulders split. Pretty standard. The difference is i have also included an extra day for deadlifts, and some iso’s that are missed during the normal workouts.
Can you please tell me what you think? and where I could possibly improve it?
FYI, I have been training seriously 2 years, 1 year on FB, 1 year on Split. 77kg(9% BF) at 5ft 11.
Day 1 - Chest/Back (5x5)
Flat Dumbell Bench
One-Arm Row
Incline Dumbell Bench
Weighted Pullups
Day 2 - Legs/Shoulders (5x5)
Dumbell Shoulder Press
Leg Press
Calf Raise (5x20)
Day 3 - Rest
Day 4 - Chest/Back (5x10)
Flat Dumbell Bench
One-Arm Row
Incline Dumbell Bench
Day 5 - Legs/Shoulders (5x10)
Dumbell Shoulder Press
Leg Press
Calf Raise (5x20)
Day 6 - Deads
Deadlifts (6x8,5,4,3,2,2)
Shrugs (6x20,8,8,8,20,50)
Bicep Curls (4x10,8,6,4)
Bent over Laterals (4x10,8,6,4)
Straight Arm Pulldowns (on cables) (4x10,8,6,4)
Day 7 - Rest