Hey guys new here never really used the forums tbh let me give you some stats 29 5 foot 6 183 lbs fasted been in the gym a long time since high school gear using about 2 years on and off but was in a car accident after about a year in to my gear use caused me to have back and now 2 knee surgery’s. After playing around and I think many will agree the only drugs I’ll use now are mast primo test growth and Anavar. Mostly because I feel good and don’t get a lot of negatives in terms of blood work when running this. I’m starting my next cycle now since recovering from my surgery and I’ll be running 300 test 300 primo 4 iu of growth split am and pm there will be a tapper when growth starts too flatline and Anavar will be added in towards the end with a strength stops progressing. Now my question is about adding in some decca for my knees I was thinking maybe 100 mg my main concern is ed issues or anxiety at this dose I know it’s person to person due to how it impacts our dopamine receptors but who here has used it this way and what was the outcome thanks
You first need to understand that Deca does nothing to help your joints aside from masking any issues you have.
That being said, Deca will give you “relief” at 100-125/wk. As far as sides go I have never had any mental issues at that low of a dose. In fact I feel great on low dosed deca. As far as the ED goes, I doubt you will have an issues but I would add in 25mg/day proviron if your gonna go this route to bring up DHT levels a bit. Your prob covered with the primo but with the mild nature of the proviron it’s worth having in the stack.
Appreciate the feed back and I do have Provirion on hand I’ll give that a go thanks