Deca & Winstrol

My friend is going to do a cycle and has done zero research on the topic. He is going to take Deca 600 for 10 weeks, and wants to do 200 of winny for 5 weeks. He has some PCT stuff but not exactly sure what it is.

Is this a safe or effective cycle? He is too ignorant to not do it so telling him to wait is not a question, but I at least wanna make sure he’s gonna not waste everything.

Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

PCT is almost where any cycle planning should begin and it sounds like your friend is begging for shutdown problems.

Admittedly, Deca and Winny can be stacked together with some success. But I don’t like the way he has it outlined and I am never a fan of a Test-less Deca experience, especially 600mg’s of Deca a week Test-less. That to me begs for months of problems.

Your friend had better, become convinced that using that much Deca is almost going to mandate a minimum of 750mg of Test a week if not more. Also running that much Test along with that much Deca he better get some hcg, in addition to the Nolvadex and probably Aromasin too just for PCT.

As it is, it does not look good.

Well you have one thing going for you if your friend does this planned cycle. You wont have to worry about him picking up the ladies for the time he is on and likley for a few months after that as his parts wont liklely be working all that well.
See YA

[quote]sapasion wrote:
Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

PCT is almost where any cycle planning should begin and it sounds like your friend is begging for shutdown problems.

Admittedly, Deca and Winny can be stacked together with some success. But I don’t like the way he has it outlined and I am never a fan of a Test-less Deca experience, especially 600mg’s of Deca a week Test-less. That to me begs for months of problems.

Your friend had better, become convinced that using that much Deca is almost going to mandate a minimum of 750mg of Test a week if not more. Also running that much Test along with that much Deca he better get some hcg, in addition to the Nolvadex and probably Aromasin too just for PCT.

As it is, it does not look good.[/quote]

Thats exactly what I thought would happen. I told him that he should just do a test only cycle, 500/week. He talekd to the seller and the seller told him that test only would bulk him up.

My friend is a little on the bigger size as it is, so his goal is to be cut. He was told winny would cut him up. I told him deca is some serious stuff and can mess you up at that high of a dosage, but I guess we will see what happens.

Best thing for cutting is a high protein, high fiber, low carb diet; seriously.

Tell your friend to put the cheeseburger down. That’ll help cut him up far more than any cycle. Diet is everything.