Deca is fine ran with proviron and a dopamine agonist - it is an effective steroid and low in sides when ran in that fashion, however not exactly an easy beginner cycle due to the high amount of ancillaries needed.
I agree - that wasn’t a troll question, just under educated 9in relation to AAS).
It is possible to run one cycle, and it is done too - but not by anyone who is particularly impressive. The thing is, over the following year of a cycle, most if not all one’s gains will likely be catabolised, leaving you with just a few lbs that likely would have been attained naturally.
It IS possible to keep gains from AAS, but they are really only noticeable in those ‘natural’ BB’s who have not used for at least 2 years, but did use significantly in the past and continue to use peptides, etc. You know the ones - the ones it is hard to beleive they are natural…
One cycle - IN ANYONE - is not going to bring much to the table… 15-25lbs druing a cycle looks good, but is still not going to change ones body much, let alone after when a good 30-60% is lost (often water/lack of food/training etc.)
Many find that once you have the gains from a cycle, it is difficult to ‘regress’ back to training naturally, the slowness of the results really sticks out thereafter.
How tall, How old?
You need to choose your drugs, doses, length of cycle yourself… it is dependant on what you want, dont want and can afford. Why would anyone TELL you what to do? And why would you blindly follow the instructions given to you by some faceless nameless guy online who doesn’t know you or give a flying fuck about you?
You wouldn’t.
Go away, read about the drugs, what they do, how they do it and what you need to do to use them safely, as you cannot take a steroid and nothing else… there are side-effects to cater for.