
PS. If you’re curious about how effective the full deads are for size gains, take a look at the current “powerful images” pic of Big Country Coleman. If you’ve ever seen the guy’s back (or seen him pull that double with 800 lbs. in his video) you know this is probably the best exercise you can do, period.

You guy’s at T-nation are friggin’ hilarious! You rag on these pro bodybuilders how they look disgusting, unrealistic, and completely drug built and then put a picture of the 7-time Mr. Olympia on your main page! I like pro bodybuilding and competitive bodybuilding. But what’s up with pic?

[quote]MWcollegiate wrote:
You guy’s at T-nation are friggin’ hilarious! You rag on these pro bodybuilders how they look disgusting, unrealistic, and completely drug built and then put a picture of the 7-time Mr. Olympia on your main page! I like pro bodybuilding and competitive bodybuilding. But what’s up with pic?[/quote]

for a man of his muscle size, his 800lb deadlift for 2 does not impress me at all. damn i pulled raw only chalk 590lb for 2 at 210lbs (no AAS) and i still think i got a long way to go. I find the old time bodybuilders much more athletic looking then todays pros and they were strong guys. Their BMI’s where at much more aethetically acceptable level then todays pros. That is my opinion. The powerful images are up there so people could have something to think about and make their own opinions. Personally i like looking at the hot girls because it is great eye candy. the last picture of that hot girl was awesome.

i usually start off doing clean grip deads for my warmups and once grip becomes an issue at 405 i switch to a powerlifting grip. after i go near my max i also perform some sumo style deads and hack squats.
laters pk

[quote]Niall wrote:
Yep, my gym does not have any flat or incline free weight benches - only smith machines. It sucks and I am considering changing gyms but all other options are much less convenient.


Go to just about any sporting goods store or check the newpaper for garage sales for an olympic barbell set. Get some extra 45s or 35s and then deadlifting couldn’t get any more convenient…You don’t have to have a bench or rack to set it up, it’s just more convenient. Once you get those first 45s on the bar, it’s all good.

This is very convenient unless, of course, you are on the second floor of an appartment or dorm, then sorry dude.