Deadlifts vs Shrugs

If you are really concerned about your trap development, do deadlifts, shrugs, high pulls, and power cleans.

[quote]vali wrote:
If you are really concerned about your trap development, do deadlifts, shrugs, high pulls, and power cleans.[/quote]

…Or just shrugs.


In that article, Mr. Wendler says something like he has rarely seen people do shrugs properly. I didn’t think they were a very technical lift. Is there a way you’re supposed to do them as apposed to the regular shoulders to ears that I’ve always been told?


Shrugs are for people who are to lazy to do deadlifts

Shrugs are the lazy man’s deadlifts

[quote]Quasi-Tech wrote:
I believe both have their place, similar to Bench Press and Cable Cross-Overs. Both work the chest, but serve a different purpose (mass vs sculpting?).

Explain this mass vs sculpting you mention?

[quote]deadliftgoal500 wrote:

C&P nice.

[quote]Zeppelin0731 wrote:
In that article, Mr. Wendler says something like he has rarely seen people do shrugs properly. I didn’t think they were a very technical lift. Is there a way you’re supposed to do them as apposed to the regular shoulders to ears that I’ve always been told?


Tuck your chin

Shrug up then back

Oh and lean forward a little too

[quote]GrindOverMatter wrote:

[quote]Quasi-Tech wrote:


do we have to?[/quote]

Was that an attempt at being funny?

[quote]rugggby wrote:

[quote]Jab1 wrote:
I think Dante has a point that deadlifts are great trap builders, but he also sets up a false dichotomy - who deadlifts more than 300 but only shrugs 225? Most people can shrug more than they dead. By his logic, if it’s the weight that builds the traps then it would be a no brainer for shrugs… (unless I am misinterpreting what he wrote). [/quote]

I can pull 245kg but can’t shrug anywhere near that. Not hating on your post as I’ve seen people shrug a lot more than they can deadlift, just I’d like to know why I can’t lol[/quote]

You can deadlift 245kg, Im VERY jealous!!

Stuck down around 150-160 for the past 3 month!

[quote]bdocksaints75 wrote:
Shrugs are the lazy man’s deadlifts[/quote]


This is bodybuilding. Find what works, not what sounds coolest. If shrugs blow your traps up better, you would be an idiot to avoid it because some guy on the internet thought it was “lazy”.

I have never seen a man shrugging 6+ plates a side for sets and reps who don’t have massive traps.

And no, having a seizure and shaking like a bunny in heat is not a shrug.

Why does Dante compare 225 - 275 lbs shrugs with 300 - 650 lbs deadlifts? Does he know that Ronnie and Johnny J. used more weight on shrugs then on deadlifts (like most lifters)?

Dante was being interviewed for his DC program when he said that. He advocates shrugging (scap retraction) at the top of his rack pulls and deadlifts in his training so it’s basically a deadlift+shrugging at the end. On top of that in DC you do deadlifts with volume like a 8 rep set and a 11 rep set So the volume does probably help with trap. he’s was talking in context if you read his interview Dante’s Inferno or something.

Dante was being interviewed for his DC program when he said that. He advocates shrugging (scap retraction) at the top of his rack pulls and deadlifts in his training so it’s basically a deadlift+shrugging at the end. On top of that in DC you do deadlifts with volume like a 8 rep set and a 11 rep set So the volume does probably help with trap. he’s was talking in context if you read his interview Dante’s Inferno or something.

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
Oh and lean forward a little too[/quote]
Otherwise you might hurt your penis.

[quote]BootScootBoogy wrote:

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
Oh and lean forward a little too[/quote]
Otherwise you might hurt your penis.[/quote]

Real men detach their cocks and leave them in a woman while they train

Get your shit together houstonguy

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:

[quote]BootScootBoogy wrote:

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
Oh and lean forward a little too[/quote]
Otherwise you might hurt your penis.[/quote]

Real men detach their cocks and leave them in a woman while they train

Get your shit together houstonguy[/quote]
No way dude, real men make women train for them while splitting their guts open.