Focus point before pull (have these cues running through your head): big push through the heels, arms straight, chest to the ceiling, glutes/hips. all in order from beginning to end. Im always running those through my head before a lift. First of all the way your body is positioned your barely using your quads which doesn’t really help lol. get LOW before your pulls. really focus on sucking in a lot of air prior to the pull and pushing it against your knees and once you start the pull focus on raising your chest to the ceiling. the chest to the ceiling thing really helped me with my squat by helping me keep my arch more. once you iron out your form you’ll probably add like 20-30 lbs to your max, if not more lol. good luck.
thank you for the advice =) i used to have a max deadlift of 405 but had ACL repair surgery last year oo trying to build my DL back up…