Whoa. It’s been a long while since I’ve even heard about the DC Sniper. I’m surprised it took such a long time.
I saw some movie on the DC Sniper on directtv one day, it was pretty interesting stuff. Nuts but interesting.
The whole situation was nutz very tragic the right sentence was handed down.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Can’t say I give a fuck!!
It took only 7 yrs, that’s not bad for a Death Row execution. It took 27 years to kill Tookie Williams.
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
It took only 7 yrs, that’s not bad for a Death Row execution. It took 27 years to kill Tookie Williams. [/quote]
I seem to remember a situation in TX where it took like 24 years or something to finally end up following through on a death sentence. Effing appeal system.
That’s the problem with execution, shits expensive because of all the appeals
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
It took only 7 yrs, that’s not bad for a Death Row execution. It took 27 years to kill Tookie Williams. [/quote]
remember all those folks wearing “save tookie” t-shirts?
[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:
MaximusB wrote:
It took only 7 yrs, that’s not bad for a Death Row execution. It took 27 years to kill Tookie Williams.
remember all those folks wearing “save tookie” t-shirts?[/quote]
Yea I remember at Terminal Island they put the whole place on lockdown, just in case people wanted to riot to protest the execution.
They call him the D.C. sniper, but really it was more like the Northern Virginian sniper. The gas stations around here would put up black tarps because people were afraid to get gas. On my way to high school I saw a girl dart in random directions from her Mom’s car to the school entrance. When I asked her what she was doing she responded, “dodging the sniper.” I saw many people do this and many mother’s would RUN their kids from place to place. People were freaking out.
Statistically much more likely to get hit by a car around here than be snipped.
[quote]ckallander wrote:
Statistically much more likely to get hit by a car around here than be snipped.[/quote]
Didn’t he kill like 16 people in the span of 3 weeks? I’d say that’s cause to be a little nervous.
They should have set him free…
Then shot his ass with a .50cal barret sniper rifle, as he got on his “Bus home”
In defense of the appeal process, it has saved some innocent people from being executed.
I followed it up from about 2 weeks to the execution. His lawyer appealed again claiming insanity.
My thing is, this man actually had a neurological condition that is in-fact common amongst many serial killers. Why couldn’t he claim insanity.
Also known as the “Warrior Gene”:
[quote]In a most interesting paper (PDF) published in PNAS, a team of researchers from Austria, Italy and USA headed by Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg have uncovered neurobiological factors that contribute significantly to violence in humans. The team studied the normal allelic variation in the X-linked monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene, a gene that has also been shown to be associated with impulsive aggression in humans and animals.
In the study both structural and functional MRI methods were applied. First, the researchers asked whether the low expression variant of MAOA, known to be associated with increased risk of violent behaviour, would predict differences in the size of limbic structures such as the amygdala. Indeed, what they found was that the low expression MAOA predicted limic reductions.
Structural reductions in limbic and paralimbic regions due to genotype. The size of both the amygdala and cingulate cortex are predicted by benotype. The low expression MAOA have significantly reduced volumes of these structures, compared to the high expression MAOA group.
Second, the team studied how these structures worked using two fMRI paradigms. The first task was a facial expression matching task, a task known to involve the amygdalae. The amygdala activation was significantly influenced by genotype: the low MAOA group displayed higher amygdala activation and at the same time lower activation in cingulate cortex subregions, as well as left orbitofrontal cortex and left insular cortex â?? all brain regions implied in emotion processing.[/quote]
Now some of you will give the state claim that science and liberals are ruining this-that-and-the-third. But that is simply not the case.
The “warrior gene” is praised in battle and condemned in civilian society. We simply need to find different ways of recognizing and dealing with “psychopaths”.
Violent and abusive upbringing, joined many militant organizations such as Army National Guard, Army (serving in the Gulf War) and later the Nation of Islam. All aggravators of MAO-A; if not direct influences (nurture/nature).
Let me note that I am not in denial or defense of any of his actions. But it seems as though an obvious pattern was developed. It should have been the Army’s responsibility to recognize and curtail this behavior. But that wouldn’t make for a very good soldier.
[quote]meangenes wrote:
We simply need to find different ways of recognizing and dealing with “psychopaths”.[/quote]
We recognized him 7 yrs ago we dealt with him at 9:11pm yesterday
[quote]meangenes wrote:
Violent and abusive upbringing, joined many militant organizations such as Army National Guard, Army (serving in the Gulf War) and later the Nation of Islam. All aggravators of MAO-A; if not direct influences (nurture/nature).
Let me note that I am not in denial or defense of any of his actions. But it seems as though an obvious pattern was developed. It should have been the Army’s responsibility to recognize and curtail this behavior. But that wouldn’t make for a very good soldier.[/quote]
Plenty of Great Warriors throughout history who have gutted men in the battle field came home took care of thier elderly parents , married and cherished thier sweethearts and raised and loved thier children. But never even thought twice about gunning down your grandma or grandpa at the grocery store or sniping a innocent child. Being mentally deficient or genetically off has nothing to do with being a good soldier or a great warrior.
Also plenty of wanna be gangsta mutha fuckas who enlisted recently to get training to be hard on the street have been taken into custody right off the battlefield. He was a douche bag and died for it as he should have.