[quote]ipjunkie wrote:
mtotry wrote:
Are those 35# dumbells??[/quote]
Of course not, stupid non functional body builders CANT curl 35 lbs. Its gotta be 30’s.
[quote]ipjunkie wrote:
mtotry wrote:
Are those 35# dumbells??[/quote]
Of course not, stupid non functional body builders CANT curl 35 lbs. Its gotta be 30’s.
I used to workout at Dave’s World Gym in Santa Cruz, CA back when I was fortunate to live in Santa Cruz. Dave is a great guy and an awesome inspiration to have around while working out - nothing like seeing Dave walking around while squatting - always was good for pushing out a few more reps. He stays in fantastic shape and was always ready to answer questions. From my conversations with him, all I can say is that he is a very serious lifter and a heck of a nice guy.