Your first mistake was listening to her when she told you that she just could not break up with her boyfriend by phone. You then, in reality, became “the other guy.” You may not have looked at it that way, but that is actually what you were as he was there first and she would not break up with him. Being “the other guy” gives you no rights at all! She in fact, was lying to her first boy friend by having a relationship with you-First Lie!
When she had sex with her first boyfriend she was again being dishonest, as she told you that she would not be doing that. Second Lie!
I commend her for telling you that she had sex with her first boyfriend (I assume you didn’t actually see it, or hear of it from anyone else). Unfortunately, she could not fess up to it like an adult and used the “alcohol excuse.”
Yes, I know that people do things when under the influence that they normally would not do. However, people sometimes become under the influence so that they are able to do things that they normally would not do. It’s called an excuse. I am not giving her the benefit of a doubt at this point-Third Lie!
If you stay with this girl I have some
questions for you: If she had a “night out with the girls” could you trust her to stay with the girls? The next time that she goes home could you trust her not to simply get drunk and find Mr. wonderful again? How long do you think it will be before you become the boyfriend that she cheats on?
If you get in deep with this chic you are in for a lifetime of heart ache. Dump her now and spare yourself!