Isn’t legs and glutes pretty much all of the lower body. What else is there ?
Haha yeah. I didn’t think that through when I posted that. Busy week!
If you aren’t doing the all important foot exercises, that’s on you.
lol truth.
Lunges and fun do not belong in the same sentence….
You probably go a lot heavier than I do! Haha my weenie lunges would be a breeze for you!
I’ve got long wait times between flights today, so if anyone sees this and has a random fact for my entertainment, drop it here!
Also, here’s a thing.
I just met a bunch of chiropractors here at the Tuscon airport. We started chatting about what they specifically do with the spine and I happened to have a picture of my jacked up neck.
And then all three of them rattled off what was wrong with it, and “Oh yeah, I can fix that.”
Since nobody is entertaining me, I’m just going to write whatever I want here. Enjoy my digital public journal. Or don’t. Angry lurkers welcome too.
This stuff, you guys, is seriously amazing. Way better than any jerky I’ve ever had:
You HAVE to try this next time you go low carb or travel or both. It’s coming in super handy today. And when visiting my parents I always drop carbs and cals. Why? Because I’m not earning them. We sit and play card games or we sit and talk usually about things that tie into the Bible and general theology. It’s mentally challenging but still a lot of sitting.
Oh! And last night I went to a dinner party with some interesting people. To follow up on something I posted about a while ago… the moon landing definitely did happen. I met a man who was in charge of tracking the astronauts’ heart rates during the whole thing. So that conspiracy theory is dead but there are plenty of others I’m still open to believing.
Like the whole JFK CIA thing. And 9-11 being a shminside shmob. And Oprah being shady…
Okay plane taking off now!
Rawrrrrr Grrrrr
I hate women
Haha that’s too fun a comment to come from an angry lurker.
I hope you had a great flight and that you have an awesome time with your parents!
Thank you so much!! I’m actually on the way back home now.
Well, in that case, I hope you had an awesome time!
I did! You’re a precious friend. XOXO
Next flight! It’s a full plane except for one single seat. Got the row to myself! Woohoo!
I like to tighten the airplane belt to passively peer pressure the next person who sits here. And also I’m an asshole in case you didn’t know.
IDK, I’m still not sold. It’s not that we couldn’t have landed on the moon, it’s just suspect AF that Russia was kicking our ass repeatedly, and we somehow managed to pull a W on the only part that mattered - and livestreamed it (in a time when video recorders still used reeled photography that would have been wiped clean from cosmic radiation).
then didn’t go back for 60 years
Moonlanding was staged in 1969. Surrounding events:
- Operation Northwoods originated in 1962
- LBJ and Nixon were presidents during this time - both highly trusted political figures
- The US govt was still literally playing with nukes this whole time
- The outcome of one of these tests was hypothesized that it would light the entire atmosphere on fire, and they launched it anyways
- JFK assassinated in 1963
- MKUltra “ended” in 1964
- Israel blew up the USS Liberty in 1967
- documents are still classified by NSA
- suspected to be a false flag operation by israel to get the US involved in a war with russia
- All while the Vietnam war was raging on (which was literally started by a false flag attack)
Oh, and the reuters report from Aug 2006… “The U.S. government has misplaced the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’… ‘We haven’t seen them for quite a while. We’ve been looking for over a year, and they haven’t turned up,’ Hautaluoma said … In all, some 700 boxes of transmissions from the Apollo lunar missions are missing.”
We have more proof of unconfirmed “conspiracy theories” than we do of us landing on the moon. Makes it hard to believe. More likely, both the US and Russia were using the space race as a distraction from the shady shit they were both pulling on their citizens… Like LBJ having John Lennon trailed by the CIA, for example.
TL;DR: It would require the US government to actually be competent at something other than blowing up innocent people for political donations. The best evidence they have is “witnesses” and video footage that is questionable at best.
Dang! Great job on making me continue to question everything. The man I talked to last night was incredibly convincing although he didn’t really care whether or not I believed it… which made him even more believable. The good news is, it doesn’t matter what I think and it’s okay to wonder. But I like the way your mind works and it seems healthy to question things we’ve always been told.
Guess that’s where the term “healthy skepticism” comes from.
The earth is flat. The Anunaki genetically engineered humans. Satan was actually the good guy. We are living in a simulation.
Yikes! I’ll pass on those.
MAG-10 Addiction
Walked into the gym with more muscle definition than I’ve seen in years. And that was before the workout even began. No pump.
So it must’ve been a combination of my weekend diet and having just drank a MAG-10, which I can’t stop talking about. Chris is probably so tired of it. But ever since getting hooked on it last week, it’s been doing such unexpected things to my physique, energy, and appetite, that I sound like a crazy person. This is not an ad. MAG-10 is making me shredded and higher energy than ever. I AM A HUMAN ENERGY DRINK.
Leg Press 4x8
Seated Chest Press
Arnold Press → Drop Set to Arnold Push Press
T-Bar Row 3 x 15, 12, 10
Band External Rotator Thingies
Cable Straight Arm Pulldown
Tricep Pulldown
Good Writing is an Aphrodisiac for Women
I love psychological thrillers and got really into one on my trip. This book was not advertised as being sexy. So I had no idea there would be intimate scenes or that they would be written so damn well. So anyway I got home from my trip and manipulated my husband into ravaging me. And he did.
I’m not even halfway through!
Wait. Is this considered porn? Do I now have a literary porn problem?