Daily Injection progress

So, I have been on Daily 10mg injections of Cypionate down from 100mg once weekly . I chatted up my doc this morning and he said it’s way too soon to feel a difference. It has realistically only been 10 days so I get it, but ……

I feel SO much better. My outlook on life is significantly better, motivation to hit the gym , anxiety has all but disappeared. I don’t know if this is placebo effect or what but I feel almost similar to how I felt when I first started during the “ honeymoon “ phase. Is this possible or is it in my head ?

Relevant info possibly : SHBG 11, E2 37, Total Test and Free Test im still waiting on quest to hurry the hell up. Previously my TT was 577 and Free T was 158.

This is normal to experience a positive response after changing doses for some men, the real test comes 6-8 weeks. Lab testing now is pointless, cypionate half-life is 5-7 days, so 42 days to build up to steady blood levels.

The change in protocol will force the body to regulate itself and down the road if your body can find a balance on this new protocol, you’ll reap the benefits.

Your positive response compared to other protocols is a good sign if you ask me!

Try not to focus too much on the hormone values, instead focus on how you feel.

You only need patience.

Bingo thats what I am doing. i am not chasing a value, im chasing … well … good feels I suppose. And so far since switching I am feeling really quite good. Best I have felt on TRT in over a year. I guess lower can be better !

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On a daily protocol, your peak and trough will be nearly identical. So time of lab testing isn’t important.

Good to know

My guess is your hormone levels are way lower than they were before, and you feel better due to that.

158 free T?

You didn’t post the lab range or units, but this seems very high.

This isn’t surprising considering his SHBG is at 11 and total testosterone at 577 ng/dL.

So the reduction in dosing by 30 mg was appropriate.

I was out of range by a bit. I certainly think it was causing my side effects.

Quite likely I agree. I think my Free T was very high and making me “ amped “ up but not in a good way.

7-8x the upper free T range is normal with low SHBG?

My last bloodwork was >1500 total T, free T 34.1, SHBG 6.1 (tanked from oxandrolone).

Not all lab ranges are the same, that’s why it’s important to list the units as well as normal ranges. There’s no way his free testosterone 7 to 8 times the normal ranges with a total testosterone at 577.

Range at quest is 35-155 pg/ml

So barely out of range