10mg daily to 12mg daily , am I crazy?

So I finally found that I felt best at 10mg daily injections of Test. Cypionate. Went to urologist and they suggested staying there, or doing minimal increases if desired. So I went up to 12mg a day. Just this baby increase I don’t feel as good. Going back to 10mg. Just curious if you think it’s in my head, or if that tiny of a difference could really be a thing ?? Thank you in advance.

You increased your dose almost 20%. The amount isn’t huge but its also not negligible. Its a gray area. What would be the point for increasing it anyway? You felt good a 10mg. More isn’t always better.

You don’t give time periods, levels, anything…so it’s hard to make any assessment.

How long did you stay on 10mg/day? Did you change anything else (subQ to IM, etc…). How long did you stay on 12mg/day? How quickly did you feel negative changes?

Unless you gave it 6-8 weeks, you can’t really judge the long term impacts of a protocol change.

On the other hand there is data out there I’m pretty sure (research) showing that lower dosages (around ~50mg/week if I remember correctly) of Cyp/Enanthate don’t shut down the HPTA, or at least not nearly as much as 100mg/week, at which point you’re 100% shut down.

So it’s possible there’s a qualitative difference in HPTA shutdown for you between 70 and 84mg/week, and that’s what you’re feeling.

In my experience, feeling like shit on TRT comes down to the degree of HPTA shutdown and high E2 sides, and the reason some men feel better on very low dosages isn’t because they can’t handle high Test levels inherently, it’s because they’re more affected by HPTA suppression, and/or high E2 sides.


I guess I was curious if I could feel “ better “ . It was a stupid mistake but I didn’t imagine I would feel worse with just a tiny bump. But apparently it’s possible. I guess I know my dose now lol

Yeah something is different between 70 and 84. I have been on 10mg for about 4 weeks now. Just did the 12 for a week and after 2 days started to feel different. I am low SHBG so maybe that has something to do with it, who knows at this point. Urologist I just chatted with here at work and she was like “ keep to 10mg daily if you feel good. Chase feelings not numbers “ So , I guess thats my plan !

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Not stupid. Most of us have done the same thing. For me, there was always a range where I felt best too. A dosage that has me in the upper range of FT levels usually was where that was at. If I ran T too high I didn’t feel great either.

Based on the timeframes you gave, its entirely plausible that your dose change is not relevant to the mood. Normally you need several weeks to a month just to notice anything significant from a dose change. Some guys report feeling it sooner, but I never have.

I noticed while on a daily protocol, going from 7 mg to 8 mg made me feel terrible and 6 mg was insufficient.

What’s funny, is on Jatenzo I don’t feel as big a difference going from 237 mg, my current dose and doubling it. I do notice significantly more strength, but no wellbeing or libido improvements.

I feel the same.

For myself, one of the biggest issues when i started TRT was over focusing on “how i felt” or “how optimized” i felt. I chased my tail in the beginning, “is my e2 too high? Is my test too low?” Honestly i think a BIG part of TRT is just accepting a dose, and sticking to it, try to forget about it and live your daily life, eventually you will realize, you feel fine. Not discounting your thoughts/feelings, if you dont feel right, then change something for sure, but try not to focus on it either.


I feel like im very very sensitive to androgens. I can literally feel a difference pretty quick. It’s entirely possible its all in my head, but I doubt it since im pretty cynical lol

So im not crazy then ? That small of a dose change can be what’s making me feel “ off “ . No wonder this shit is so hard to dial in !

I should have stayed on 10mg. I felt great, but wanted to chase the dream of walking through walls. Stupid is as stupid does

You also have to consider that when you make a change, you have to give yourself time to come to homeostasis. Whenever i change protocol, i give myself at least 2 weeks before i even start to question why something feels off.

I am on basically 7.5 mg/day. 10 mg/day and I feel like shit. So yeah, large percentage increases and decreases take time for your body to adjust. I personally feel 6 weeks minimum to know what is going on. My workouts, sleep, and recovery are better on lower doses. on 80 mg/day I was way too tired working out and then all of the other side effects hit, very unpleasant for me. I am EOD around 15 mg.

I used to get that feeling too when i was experimenting between 60mg a week or 100mg a week or whatever, low shbg.

These days i feel zero difference between 1100mg or 1700mg of testosterone, nada.

Maybe the difference is more obvious on small doses, or i just brainfukked myself back in the day,.not sure.

I can tell u this, the best drive and motivation i ever felt in my life was when i was doing 60mg IM along with 20mg subQ, every other day. I felt like i was high on cocaine 24/7, extreme drive, confidence and ambition. Also coupled with 600mg of vitamin b6 each day, split in 3.