Weekend Sitrep
Friday I did C2 W2 D3 and D4 in one, i.e. Press, deadlifts, chins and dips. Did pullaparts and L sits for assistance.
Saturday I did oa lot of yard work, and didn’t have it in me to face the sandbag in the evening so did:
2x 16kg ABCs - 22 in 5 min (have improved hugely hear, mostly learning better pacing).
rest 5 min
2x 16kg kbell snatch - 50 reps in 5min.
I have a long way to go on the double snatch as i have done over 100 single arm reps in 5 min before, but the double does require a little more finesse. will keep that in the back pocket.
Sunday I didn’t train, but I did do a lot of shoveling and barrowing of gravel - that was a workout!
Final week of C2 now.
Goals are:
Squeezed in a bit of activity last night.
My walk was covered by mowing a patch of the lawn right after work.
Then once the kid was down for the night I did:
C2 W3 D1
C+J: 60x3, 67.5x3, 75x 3x3.
This was difficult as I couldn’t drop the bar, had to catch each rep. Oh well, free gains.
Incline bench 57.5x5, 65x3, 72.5x7, 57.5x16 reps in 60s.
hit some Dbell rows, 35x 3x15, then called it a night.
The clean and jerks are moving well.
C2 W3 D2
Front squat 77.5x5 87.5x3 97.5x5
Back squat 97.5x20 (this was hard)
GHR 3x10
Barbell curl 20x30,30
Pushdown 24x24,20
Evneing workout, low on energy.
I wonder if i am undereating protein, last few days i havent had usual breakfast and i reckon thats contributing to the sluggish mood.
Been quirt sorry, had a couple of travel days for work.
Rode to work and back Feiday as conditioning, then mowed the lawn after work.
Today i did my D3 and D4 in one
Press, hit a strong topset of 65x5, joker of 67.5 x 3, then 12 with 50 in 60s.
Deadlift top set was 142.5x 10. Was moving like butter.
Did a bunch of chins and dips and pullaprts.
Closing out C2 and onto C3.
I did a long bike ride with the daughter on Saturday for extra conditioning.
Back to basics. 5’s PRO, 5x5FSL, 351 setup. PPL/C accessories.
Incline bench 27.5x 12,12
Dbell row 35x 15,15
Knee tuck to Lsit (building to an Lsit) - 8,8,10
Kept accessories short as was filthy hot.
Then being Straya Day, I was off work so took the daughter out on the bike to two different parks.
It was still filthy hot haha, but spent over an hour on the bike, so conditioning done too.
C3 W1 D2
Squat 90x5 105x5 117.5x5
Cambered bar 90x 5x5
GHRs 5x10
Knee tuck to Lsit 8,6
I was supposed to do arms as well but was a bit slow getting going, really took a while to wake up and warm up.
I like that cambered (yoke) bar though - feels really good to squat with.
Yesterday squeezed in a nice little kettlebell circuit, the women’s simple from Pavel, but non-stop.
C3 W1 D3
Press 47.5x5 55x5 60x5 47.5 x 5x5
Pullaparts 100
chins and dips 1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4
Did the chins and dips this way to make sure I could basically not stop moving the whole time, as I was a bit pressed for time - woke up a bit late.
Then did some L sit practice and moved on.
Brief weekend update.
Did W1 D4 on Friday, Saturday did a brief run and did a ride with the daughter.
This week I have travel, so jumped into C3 W1 D4 yesterday.
This is a 5’s week so nothing crazy, pretty boring but using it to practice paused bench, squats etc.
Closed out C3 W2 easily, had one day off on Saturday as I spent a couple of hours helping friends cut wood and clear up from storms, so thag was my workout.
Didnt do all my conditioning though, Ive been avoiding the little opportunities to do some.
Yesterday did C3 W3 D1
Bench 72.5x5 80x5 90x5
Then paused feet up bench 72.5 x 5x5
Then did incline dbell, dbell row.
Finished with a few sandbag cleans and carries with the 80kg.