May 23 Epiphany, Reset see post 62.
August 24 rename.
Quick Bio:
Australian (Riverina NSW), Male, 25yo, married, 1 (11mo) kid. I’m Aussie so everything is kg and metres and Celcius etc.
1.76m short, currently 89kg but should be more like 80-85kg.
Former fat kid so have some iffy food relationships that my travelling job doesn’t help.
Have a home gym, rack, bench, 2nd hand elitefts GHD, assault bike, dbells, kbells, etc.
Right ankle reconstruction from a rugby league injury, mostly trouble free, just can be a bit tight sometimes.
Lifting History:
Lifted fairly consistently for 10 years, but never knew what i was lifting FOR. So have dabbled in bodybuilding, tried Crossfit a bunch of times, Followed 531 with a bodybuilding twist, etc.
Since marriage and a kid came along, it’s mostly been fighting off a dadbod (pure vanity).
But I’ve been reading a lot of @T3hPwnisher 's blog and then found here, decided to join, and now decided to put it out there. Not sure why, partly accountability, partly for the mindset that people have here (don’t have a friend group who are majorly into this), partly for a sounding board. There are many great training logs that sort of inspired me.
Maybe no one will read this solipsistic ramble and that’s ok too. Putting it out there is the kick I need right now.
My PRs of a few years ago seem a bit out of reach right now with where I’m only 25, so my best lifitng years are really ahead of me. Just need the kick to get back on the train.
The Vision:
Be dadfit. Now becoming a father of 2, I am very aware fitness is a fine balance between be a role model and being selfish. A fine line to walk. I want to be an example and source of strength, but not create unhealthy expectations or obsessions.
I have a list of arbitrary standards I have set for myself that I need to hit. These will make no sense and some are contradictory, but they give me a North Star to chase.
- Weight <85kg
- Waist <32inches
- 5km time <25min
- 1km time <4min
-Pullups >15 - Dips >25
- Squat with BW on bar >25reps
- Swings 100 in 5 min, 10 per hand every 30 sec, 32kg
- TGU weight - 32kg (Simple& Sinsister, simple rule) (1 min after swings)
- L-sit 1 min
- Straddle planche hold 1 min
The big lifts: the goal here is to be “strong ENOUGH” - 5 reps of 2.5xBW DL (212.5)
- 5 reps at 2xBW Squat (170)
- 5 reps at 1xBW press (85)
- 5 reps of 1.5x BW Clean (127.5)
- 5 reps of 1.5x BW Bench (127.5)
Anyway, will log some training and if anyone reads it, that’s a bonus!