[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
dre wrote:
I also have a Dad Theory! I think that no matter how big you get, how bad you get, your dad will always be able to kick your ass. I really firmly believe this. It’s like they know all our weaknesses and know just how to put us in our place. I’m bigger than my dad but I would seriously be scared to fight him. My buddy agrees with me. I think it’s some genetic thing. haha
Anyone else agree with this?
I believe more firmly in the “angry-dad” theory of strength.
As in, a Dad, no matter what his physical condition, will hand you your own ass if he catches you pounding his daughter.[/quote]
I was chased once by an angry dad with a meat cleaver.
[quote]bluebear wrote:
not sure I can believe that someones dad pulled out an engine block from a holden with his bare hands - aren’t they V8’s ?
I mean - lugging hay bales up a ladder single handed is one thing - reaching into an engine bay and pulling the engine out is another. The biomechanics are completely different for a start.
With regard to my friend and the tight wheel bolts. I’m office based and made him hold my suit jacket and tie for me whilst I changed his wheel. All at the side of a busy intersection…[/quote]
lol. I wouldn’t believe it too, if it was a V8! However, I think it was the small 4 cylinder version he used to work on. In truth, it was probably the bottom half of a stripped down 4 cylinder Commodore engine, so it’d be believable if this thing weighed around 150 kgs, give or take 50 kilos. I’ve seen the guy, and it looks like he could do it. He’s pretty tall so wouldn’t have much trouble reaching into an engine bay.
My dad was 6’3 at 325 lbs.
In his hayday nobody would even dream of fukin with him.
Now he is 55, 6’3 at 275. I am twice as strong as him, but, no way in hell would I got up againts him.
Dad’s have an inborn strength that goes beyond physics.
I watched him punch my brother in the back of the head 3 times, that was 20 years ago and i bet my brother is still dizzy.
Cool thread…a lot of what I do today is because of my dad’s strength and size. Back in the 70’s my dad lifted a lot and worked in a machine shop during school. He could lever sledge hammers and all that good stuff. In his prime he was 6’4" 260-270. He started suffering seziures due to a mass in his brain and doc’s made him stop lifting and straining because of stroke danger.
I was always a skinny kid but now have started “carrying the torch” where dad left off. I have a 4 y/o who is going to be bigger than me, and I’ll be hitting 50 when he’s in High School, so like some of you said, I want him to always think I can “take him”.
As far as strength stories, 2 weeks ago I helped my wife’s grandparents move and all of the heavy stuff was left to me and a cousin who is a big farm boy (literally). It was the best move I’ve ever been involved in. We threw stuff around and impressed everyone. It was nice to work with someone my size and as strong (probably stronger) than me.
[quote]dre wrote:
I also have a Dad Theory! I think that no matter how big you get, how bad you get, your dad will always be able to kick your ass. I really firmly believe this. It’s like they know all our weaknesses and know just how to put us in our place. I’m bigger than my dad but I would seriously be scared to fight him. My buddy agrees with me. I think it’s some genetic thing. haha
Anyone else agree with this?[/quote]
I agree. I think it’s because my Dad was always big and had a very drill seargeant look and tone to him. He is the only man to scare me when spoken to. Plus he’d turn beet red when angry and veins would pop out ontop his bald head. Plus he’s the only man that my friends feared too. They were always afraid that if we were doing something stupid, my Dad would find out and whoop all of our asses. Of course, I didn’t get to do a lot of things my friends did for that very fact. (read fucking up).
Plus my Dad is the only one who can get inside my head and clear things up with ease. He knows me very well and always has the best advice for me. MJ is a bit jealous because I can open up to him easier than her.
[quote]dre wrote:
I also have a Dad Theory! I think that no matter how big you get, how bad you get, your dad will always be able to kick your ass. I really firmly believe this. It’s like they know all our weaknesses and know just how to put us in our place. I’m bigger than my dad but I would seriously be scared to fight him. My buddy agrees with me. I think it’s some genetic thing. haha
Anyone else agree with this?[/quote]
Yeah, my Dad will always have that mind-edge on me … never really knowing if I could kick his ass or not.
I remember when my Dad would “be a tree” by standing real still while I climbed up his legs and back and hung from his arms. I thought he was the strongest man in the world.
Now I do the same thing for my nieces and I think I get as much of a kick out of it now as I did then. I guess this would be considered Uncle Strenth.
Yeah, my Dad will always have that mind-edge on me … never really knowing if I could kick his ass or not.[/quote]
Even if you could, why would you want to?
My dad used to be the strongest person I know. I’ve seen him bear hug a drum, (55 US gallons)@450 pounds, of diesel fuel and put it in the back of the truck. I’ve seen him carry a 250cc dirtbike on his hip with one hand down a flight of stairs so we could rebuild it durring the winter, @ 250 pounds.
I have tried things like this and the best I got was picking up a bare engine block with heads out of the back of the truck and waddling with it 15 feet or so to place it on a work bench,
this is the phenomenon my friends and I refer to as “Old Man Strength.” The way nature prevents us from beating up our fathers. I think it’s often prevalent in pickup basketball games and as previously mentioned; car repair.
My friend’s uncle is now in his 80’s. He was a Nuclear Engineer and a WWII vet. He’s now in a Old Folk’s Home so we needed to go to his house and start cleaning starting with the basement.
The only way you can get down there from outside is a 4 ft high doorway with 5-6 steps into the cellar.
We discovered 2 V8 engines, 2 straight 6’s, an old coal-burning stove that must weigh 350 lbs and two turn-of-the-century burners that gotta go 350-400 lbs each.
He lived with his sister and NEVER asked for help so I KNOW he carried that stuff down there on his own.
I’m hoping I can keep his memory alive by being as independant and strong as “Uncle Alvin”.
[quote]maxx power wrote:
Im gonna be a dad in 6 weeks, my son is due Sept 10th.
I can only hope to be as kick ass as a dad to him as mine was to me.[/quote]
I think it goes along with the “your Dad can always kick your ass” thing. I will always think I am half the man my Dad is. And that always spurs me on to try harder, think more, and do the right thing. And at the same time he always tells me how proud he is of me. The mind is a funny thing. -Aaron
Oh and good luck with the birth of your son. The day my daughter was born was the greatest and most terrifying day of my life. Everyday since has been too, but the terror is subsiding.
I am in the middle, with my Dad an old man now, and my sons are grown. I can still remember when I was 16, and had had enough of my Dad’s guff. I actually braced him in the kitchen and invited him outside.
At that time he was about 5’9" and 200, starting to go to fat with age. I was 5’11" and maybe 160, but thought I was “lightning fast” having whipped a guys ass in school not too long before that.
We put on the gloves (he boxed semi-pro in the Navy during the Korean War - yes, I was a retard).
He made sure my gloves were on right, backed away, and said “You ready?”
I brought my hands up, said “Yes” and literally the next thing I knew Mom was pouring water on my face to wake me up.
One right jab on the button. Never saw it coming. Mom was upset, but Dad said it was good for me. He was right.
On the other end of the spectrum, maybe once or twice a year my 21 year old son will challenge me to arm wrestling. He’s been doing this since he was 15 or so, and it always ends the same way: I hold my arm dead vertical and watch him turn red.
It’s not like he is a really big dude or anything, but it is still a lot of fun to ask him “When are you going to start?” and say “No, really, you can give it your best,you won’t hurt my feelings if you win” while his eyes bulge.
I once saw my gran (age 67) do a 315 ft farmers walk with two large bags of shopping (@ approximately 10 lbs each) in each hand. Now thats what I call functional strength.
I remember me and my mate were watching pumping iron with his grandfather who was about 55 at the time. He said something along the lines of ‘Sure they’re big but i bet those pussies couldnt lift a 44 gallon drum of oil onto the back of a ute’
I remember thinking he was telling crazy old man stories…until i saw him do it. Ive had an immense amount of respect for him ever since.