I’m going to run a Test/Deca cycle soon. Most of the time I’ve trained each muscle twice a week, but with everyone saying a muscle a day is better, I need opinions.
Below is the workout I was thinking of using:
A) Chest, Shoulders, Triceps:
- Flat Bench Press- 5x12-10-8-8-6
- DB Flyes- 3x12
- Incline Bench Press- 4x12
- Shoulder Press- 4x12
- Upright Rows- 4x12
- French Press- 3x8
- Standing Kickbacks- 3x12
B) Legs, Abs:
- Jumping Squats- 1x20
- Leg Extensions- 4x15
- Leg Curls- 4x12
- Weighted Crunches- 3x30
- Leg Raises- 3x30
- One leg Crunches- 3x30
C) Back, Biceps, Forearms:
- Deadlift- 5x10-10-8-8-6
- Close Grip Pulldowns- 4x12
- Seated Rows- 4x12
- Wide Grip Pulldowns- 4x12
- Cable Curls- 3x12
- Hammer Curls- 3x12
- A, B, C, Off, A, C, Off