Cycle Problems

So I guess ill start at the beginning, been running test e at 800mg for 6 weeks. A few days ago I woke up in what I would describe as estro hell, couldnt get out of bed, sore nips, headache and general brain fog, slight depression. The reason for this i believe is under dosed liquid adex to be certain i have been taking what should be 1mg of the adex, which only amounted to a slight improvement. Since this all began ive been retaining ALOT of water weight particularly in my mid section.

My next course of action is letro, and a doctor visit for bloodwork and my docs opinion. Question I have is why did it all hit me at once so suddenly? Any advice from a similar experience would be greatly appreciated.

Also ive tapered my test down to 600mg till i get a handle on the E.

For it to come all at once 6 weeks in is odd, to say the least.

Any other changes to your regimen or supps?

Different supplier?

What else are you stacking with it?

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
For it to come all at once 6 weeks in is odd, to say the least.

Any other changes to your regimen or supps?

Different supplier?

What else are you stacking with it?

I had a pretty large weekend of binge drinking (which i havent done in years) right before it started, thats the only wild card factor I can think of.
I stacked Dbol at the start and was gonna run it before PCT waiting on the long ester to clear.

Thats a pretty big wild card factor, big like a zebra standing in a group of horses bro.

Start over hydrating now if you haven’t and take extra adex till this gets under control. I hate liquid adex

Binge drinking will spike your estrogen higher than a couple grams of test will, dude. I wish I could slap you, now take some adex and pour me a scotch to wash my drol down with.

If a huge bitch slap was all i had to worry about id gladly take it. I knew it was dumb, ive been over hydrating and have uped the adex significantly. I’ll still try and get my bloodwork done to see how bad i fucked myself.

also i still believe the adex is under dosed which doesnt help the situation, in the process of getting some more from a new supplier.

In all seriousness though you will be fine, but stressing out and loosing sleep over it will make your estrogen worse.

We all drink and party a little bit, its life man.

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:

We all drink its life man.[/quote]

that’s horseshit but alright, imo OP lacks the maturity to be running these compounds if he’s gunna fuck around like that… not that it’s my business or i care, but i just thought it was worth mentioning.

We all fuck up from time to time. Mabye him and his wife split up, friend died or mom just got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Just saying dont judge until you have all the facts.

As far as your reply to my post lets talk about your maturity with out all the facts being in:

Your response to everything you disagree with is “thats gay” questions your maturity.

One could say you lack maturity in that you started using AAS not even close to 200lbs, which is easily attainable by anyone who works hard in the gym, and knows how to train with a half ass diet.

One could also say you lack maturity because you made a life long commitment to the needle at 21, cause you think your “going places”.

One could also imply immaturity in your inability to upload any photos of your supposed “awesomeness” or demonstrate in person the exercises you so regularly advise. (What Ive picked up along the way)

But your right about one thing, its not your business and no one cares, but I just thought all this was worth mentioning.

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
We all fuck up from time to time. Mabye him and his wife split up, friend died or mom just got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Just saying dont judge until you have all the facts.

As far as your reply to my post lets talk about your maturity with out all the facts being in:

Your response to everything you disagree with is “thats gay” questions your maturity.

One could say you lack maturity in that you started using AAS not even close to 200lbs, which is easily attainable by anyone who works hard in the gym, and knows how to train with a half ass diet.

One could also say you lack maturity because you made a life long commitment to the needle at 21, cause you think your “going places”.

One could also imply immaturity in your inability to upload any photos of your supposed “awesomeness” or demonstrate in person the exercises you so regularly advise. (What Ive picked up along the way)

But your right about one thing, its not your business and no one cares, but I just thought all this was worth mentioning.[/quote]

so im immature because im 140lbs and use aas?

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
We all fuck up from time to time. Mabye him and his wife split up, friend died or mom just got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Just saying dont judge until you have all the facts.

As far as your reply to my post lets talk about your maturity with out all the facts being in:

Your response to everything you disagree with is “thats gay” questions your maturity.

One could say you lack maturity in that you started using AAS not even close to 200lbs, which is easily attainable by anyone who works hard in the gym, and knows how to train with a half ass diet.

One could also say you lack maturity because you made a life long commitment to the needle at 21, cause you think your “going places”.

One could also imply immaturity in your inability to upload any photos of your supposed “awesomeness” or demonstrate in person the exercises you so regularly advise. (What Ive picked up along the way)

But your right about one thing, its not your business and no one cares, but I just thought all this was worth mentioning.[/quote]

so im immature because im 140lbs and use aas?[/quote]

Are you seriously only 140lbs??? Are you atleast 5 foot even or something??? Just my 2 cents if your only 140lbs and are already a relatively experienced user then 1 your doing alot wrong and 2 yes you were immature at starting so early. Can’t comment on the age part as I have been off and since I was 17 and now unfortunately prwtty much depend on AAS.

Not trying to start a fight. But, I do agree with what you said above above about the drinking to a extent. I’m not saying I know what the guys situation was but, he cleaarly said he knew it was a bad idea before he did and he did it anyway so that is immature without a doubt. Also if your honestly dedicated to your goals enough to take the chance of damage from gear then you should be dedicated enough for the 8-16 weeks to not binge drink. Social drinks happen and are completely different subject but even that I minimize.

Ok sure I’m immature, but now that we’ve got my cognitive development or lack thereof out of the way lets try and keep things productive. Wether the decision was smart, valid , justified, dumb or whatever is irrelevant it already happened.

@popeye, ya I’ve been trying to not dwell on it

Also I made a badass double cheeseburger last night , just thought that was worth mentioning.

[quote]SHREDTODEATH wrote:

Also I made a badass double cheeseburger last night , just thought that was worth mentioning.[/quote]

LOL, finally good info

I love Reeds comment, “your doing it wrong”!

[quote]Reed wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
We all fuck up from time to time. Mabye him and his wife split up, friend died or mom just got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Just saying dont judge until you have all the facts.

As far as your reply to my post lets talk about your maturity with out all the facts being in:

Your response to everything you disagree with is “thats gay” questions your maturity.

One could say you lack maturity in that you started using AAS not even close to 200lbs, which is easily attainable by anyone who works hard in the gym, and knows how to train with a half ass diet.

One could also say you lack maturity because you made a life long commitment to the needle at 21, cause you think your “going places”.

One could also imply immaturity in your inability to upload any photos of your supposed “awesomeness” or demonstrate in person the exercises you so regularly advise. (What Ive picked up along the way)

But your right about one thing, its not your business and no one cares, but I just thought all this was worth mentioning.[/quote]

so im immature because im 140lbs and use aas?[/quote]

Are you seriously only 140lbs??? Are you atleast 5 foot even or something??? Just my 2 cents if your only 140lbs and are already a relatively experienced user then 1 your doing alot wrong and 2 yes you were immature at starting so early. Can’t comment on the age part as I have been off and since I was 17 and now unfortunately prwtty much depend on AAS.

Not trying to start a fight. But, I do agree with what you said above above about the drinking to a extent. I’m not saying I know what the guys situation was but, he cleaarly said he knew it was a bad idea before he did and he did it anyway so that is immature without a doubt. Also if your honestly dedicated to your goals enough to take the chance of damage from gear then you should be dedicated enough for the 8-16 weeks to not binge drink. Social drinks happen and are completely different subject but even that I minimize.


im 5’9

While I’m definitely more conscious of my diet and lifestyle when I’m on cycle, you can bet your ass that if a good friend of mine comes to town and wants to hit the pub then I’m there, and I will most likely overindulge.

Bodybuilding is a big part of my life, but it’s not the biggest, or most important. Life is for living.

that’s fair… i just don’t see what’s the point of being disciplined on cycle and letting things go to shit when off cycle

but then again i havent drank in years so i guess i just can’t understand

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
that’s fair… i just don’t see what’s the point of being disciplined on cycle and letting things go to shit when off cycle

but then again i havent drank in years so i guess i just can’t understand[/quote]

I don’t let it go to shit off cycle, it’s just when I’m on I’ll only drink or party or whatever if it’s a special occasion, whereas off cycle I’m a bit looser.

Having said that, it’s a young man’s game. I haven’t had a drink since new year’s.

God when did I get so fuckin OLD

[quote]rds63799 wrote:
While I’m definitely more conscious of my diet and lifestyle when I’m on cycle, you can bet your ass that if a good friend of mine comes to town and wants to hit the pub then I’m there, and I will most likely overindulge.

Bodybuilding is a big part of my life, but it’s not the biggest, or most important. Life is for living.[/quote]

Agreed sometimes you have a few too many, shit happens.


LOL at 140lbs!

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
that’s fair… i just don’t see what’s the point of being disciplined on cycle and letting things go to shit when off cycle

but then again i havent drank in years so i guess i just can’t understand[/quote]

I don’t let it go to shit off cycle, it’s just when I’m on I’ll only drink or party or whatever if it’s a special occasion, whereas off cycle I’m a bit looser.

Having said that, it’s a young man’s game. I haven’t had a drink since new year’s.

God when did I get so fuckin OLD[/quote]

sorry, i didnt mean to sound like i was addressing you with “going to shit”, i actually had some friends of mine in mind lol…