I ran 500mg TestE/week w/ 0.30mg Adex EOD for 10 weeks.
It’s been 11 days since my last pin. Started with some HCGenerate, 500iu HCG EOD (for a total of 10 doses) and was feeling pretty good util 4 days ago.
I’ve tried to shake the insomnia and fuzzy head but 2 days ago I actually got sick. I NEVER get sick. Today I learned I have 3 major interviews for new jobs coming up next week. And these aren’t chump change jobs. They’re lifestyle changers, like 160-200k opportunities.
So I jumped ship. I went upstairs and blasted 750mg TestE. I just can’t afford to crash now.
With regards the lul before TRUE PCT, my personality hasn’t changed. I’m pretty jovial, high libido, hungry and content. I’m just not as sharp and now fucking sick. I figure I’m going to keep cycling another 2 weeks until I can get through these interviews and start recuperating.
It’s only been 11 days my TestE shouldn’t have dropped THAT low so I should go back to feeling “enhanced” normal pretty quick. Right?
I realize this is going to make my final PCT more difficult any recommendations on things to do as I kinda “bridge” to PCT? More HCG? Nolva? Up the Adex?
Any experience and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
You guys have been really helpful. Thanks.