So I thought post to the forums here to ask for help with a prohormone cycle plan.
I’m 25yrs old 6’5 and 240lbs. I’ve ran 2 successful cycles previously, one 2 yrs ago using fight labs test 400(stuff was awesome) and the other cycle I just got off the pct about 3wks ago for and I’ve held onto about 12lbs of muscle and feel great.
I’m eager to start a new cycle, and was wondering the best way to stack 2 products. Or if these 2 are the best for me to stack for a cycle…
I had a bottle of super DMZ 2 by Ironmag labs laying around a thought I might stack it with epi-andro by Blackstone labs. DMZ contains 10mg of Methylstenbolone and 10mg of Dimethazine per cap and epi-andro contains 50mg epiandrosterone per cap
I was thinking of running them for 7wks because I’m reluctant to shut my natural test down for much longer. Thought of starting with the DMZ at 2/day for weeks 1-4 and 2/day of the epi-andro week 3-7. I have a cycle support by platinum nutracueticals called armor-x it contains per cap
Milk Thistle 300mg
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 250mg
Saw Palmetto 200mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid 150mg
Quercetin 100mg
Coenzyme Q-10 100mg
Mucuna Pruriens 75mg
Androsta-3,5-Diene-7, 17-Dione 10mg
I like the anti-estrogen effects of last ingredient. I ran this product with my last cycle and was happy. I will also have nolva if for some reason gyno happens. 20mg a day till effects wear off. Will be using nolva for post cycle as well as a natural test booster.
My diet is clean, I eat 3,000 cal/day normally so will be upping that and protein consumption as well. I will also have amino acid complex, whey isolate, casein protein and pre workout as far as my other supps. Have taurine on the side in case of back pumps as well.
Any feedback would be nice, thanks