[quote]Contrl wrote:
rushman wrote:
I am currently on week 6 of an 8 week cycle of Tren Acetate 75 mg/Winny 50mg, both ED because I weigh 300 lbs. EOD is fine IMO. I have been pretty impressed with the reselts thus far. I’ve put on about 10 lbs of lean mass and have lost quite a bit of fat in the process. As for the PCT, I will use Clomid only.
Day 1 200 mg
Day 2-7 100 mg
Day 8-14 50 mg
First off, you’re going to want to include testosterone with that Tren, unless you’re perfectly okay with sexual dysfunction. Second, keep in mind that you should, at the very LEAST, be injecting 300mg of Tren or more (with a heavy emphasis on “or more”) to get the results you want and consequently make that cycle worthwhile. 50mg ED of Winstrol is a good dose, so that’s fine.
Now, on that note…
rushman: That is a poor cycle you’re running. No testosterone, an incredibly weak dose of Tren (and no, EOD is not fine) and why in god’s name are you going to use Clomid as a PCT? Are you not aware that neither of those compounds aromatise? You need to do some more research yourself before you give advice.[/quote]
I respectfully disagree with your points.
75mg ED of Tren is a very fine dose in my opinion. Gains are not linear with Tren in the sense that more is better…
It is a dogmatism to think you need to run everything with Test. In most cases it is great benefit, but not a neccessity. Some people get quite the opposite sexual sides with Tren standalone believe it or not. It is a very individualized thing.
ED is optimal with Acetate, yes, but you can get away with EOD… you just might have a higher occurance of the usual sides with the fluctuations. I had more night sweats with EOD, but ED had become a pain for so long.
The fact that neither compounds aromatize is a moot point in regards to SERM use in PCT. The serm will expedite HPTA recovery regardless, as you will be suppressed with or without the presence of estrogen. Tren is extremely suppressive so you will do yourself a great service by including a SERM like nolva/clomid (better yet Toremefine) in PCT.
Although your point about research is a good one, you must always consider the source. There can be a great deal of misinformation parroted on forums. I base my opinions on my personal experience, and you are all welcome to have yours. Just don’t state something as fact without trying it.