Cycle help for Sustanon 500 and tren e 200

So I am 165 lbs 5’6 low body fat.I bought 500 mg Sustanon.Tren e 200 I want to get bigger any suggestions how to cycle this

That’s good start for information. Care to add a little more?

  • Age
  • Number of years of weight training
  • Strength: (5 rep max) Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift
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Sincs you give very little info your gonna get a very vague answer.
Ditch the Sus500. It’s gonna hurt really bad.

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I am 44 bench 180 at moment I just got back into working out after taking a long break Ive used stuff befor but never ran a scheduled cycle

Why can you be more specific

Why would it hurt

If you don’t know why 500mg/ml would hurt then honestly you shoudn’t be taking it.

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Testosterone only, 300-500mg weekly, along with eating plenty of food. Save the Tren for down the road, doesn’t sound like you’re ready for that

Thank unlike some people ypur answer was very helpful

Shit info in shit info out. Dunno what to tell you.


Here’s the most helpful advice. Don’t start yet. Get your newbie gains back to peak prior levels. Then go with …