I’m in my 30s
Looking to cycle in order to train grappling more and improve mental focus in career
Currently if I train for extended periods I’m having difficulty recovering and focusing.
Not looking for crazy strength or size gains, a little would be beneficial tho, I’m very wary about my endurance being harmed
Recently had bloodwork done I’m producing
At the top of normal range T but my free T is at tbottom normal range due to high SHBG - I’m guessing due to training hard and stress. Have improved carb intake and sleep since and feel better for it.
I have weight training, diet, sleep etc locked down, low body fat probably around the 10percent mark and I’m definitely stronger than most grapplers my size, endurance is my weak point
Id also like to keep the cycles minimalist so i can understand how my body reacts to compounds to plan future cycles
So to be clear goals are:
Enhanced recovery from gruelling workouts where I will be developing skills and increasing endurance, in order to train more frequently
Better mental focus/drive in work over the next few months
Im planning a 2 week test p only cycle
Just to dip my toes in the water and see how I react, of 250mg per week administered daily.
Taking 3 weeks off without pct and getting bloodwork done to see how I recovered. Will have clomed and arimidex on hand just incase. This short cycle also makes sense as i wont be training much over christmas.
Then based on how that went doing a longer cycle (not long probably 8 to 12 weeks) again low dose test (cypionate this timr) with additional EQ or tbol, and pct of clomid.
Questions are-
do you think these cycles will work well with my goals?
Bareing in mind one of the benefits will be using anabolics to lower SHBG would it be better to administer test p once every 2 days?
Is 250 a good place to start- ive seen endurance athleates say after 200 fitness suffers but then ive also seen posts promoting 400 for mma athleates to benefit from strength (baring in mjnd increased strength isnt a primary goal for me)
Thanks- feel free to comment any other info you think id benefit on but please take into regard my goals when giving advise