Cycle combination

Hi, I am new on this.
40 years, Male, 108kg. Used Cypio and Turina about a month ago, did 2.5 weeks on Diana but got some pain in my stomach and stopped it. All went good. Put on 6kg in 12 weeks.
Now I want to start another cycle.
Can someone recommend me?
I have Susta250, Bolde and Masteron. Also want to use Mk 677. At the 9th week of the cycle I want to add Proviron and continue with it 3 more weeks after the cycle.
How will it be best to use these compounds (dosage wise), and what do you think will be the best way to use these in a 12 weeks period?

It’s kind of hard to recommend anything as we know nothing about you. What are you trying to do? Why do you want to use these compounds? Just because you have them?
If your not already lean masteron isn’t a good choice as it’s cosmetic. EQ is better run 14-16 weeks as it take a long time to build up in your system? Why do you want to add proviron?
Test with an oral and MK would be a good cycle


Papachin, hold on a sec. 12 weeks is a quick turnaround, especially for your first cycle. Focus on Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) first. Then, when you’re ready, research longer, safer cycles with those compounds. Lots of info on the forum to help you design a smarter approach. Remember, AI productivity can help you optimize your research and planning for future cycles.